Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

Art of Logo design response

 The commentary about how the logo should be simple as well as appropriate for the client because it is an extension of who you are as a business. Logos shouldn’t have too many things going on either because they’d look bad when minimized. I agree with this because whatever your company is, you want your image to be recognizable and somewhat professional. I find this video to be definitely helpful and gives me input and advice when I’m designing logos for friends and future clients.

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1 Comment

  1. Ashli Barker

    I agree that logo’s should be simple. Logo’s used to be very complicated back in the day but these days people are on the go and most likely wont care to examine a overly complex logo. We see so many logo’s everyday that it’s best to find a good combination between simple and unique.

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