Project Proposal– Fanta

Many people be so devastated without having any technology use at home for their school work or any internet connection. But not everyone can afford connection and technology use. The audience I am trying to reach here is people that are struggling and let them know that it’s okay not everyone got it like that. The genre I would use to create my message would be a article. I would choose a article as my genre because most people to read articles with magazines something that might catch their attention. As for a title for my project I would have to do some deep thinking. To get started I intend to do as many research I can and take some notes. My concerns about getting this project done is not rushing and to get everything in order.

2 thoughts on “Project Proposal– Fanta”

  1. You write: The audience I am trying to reach here is people that are struggling and let them know that it’s okay not everyone got it like that.
    This is not a clear determination of who your target audience is.

    You really have not done enough thinking for this proposal.

    Your message needs to be clearer.

    Look at the instructions again.

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