RAB Source Entry #1-Amadou


My research question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed the National Basketball Association (NBA) and their players. I am interested in this topic because I am a big fan of the NBA and I can always enjoy a good basketball game. When the country decided to take covid seriously many and most jobs were required to shut down for a certain time and the NBA had to shut down as well. I already know that this is the first time the NBA has dealt with a pandemic because It wasn’t even founded yet for the last pandemic the U.S. faced. Some points I plan to explore and find out more about are how much money the NBA and players lost because they require fans to attend and watch. I also want to find out about the personal life of the NBA players and how their personal life’s different now.

Part 1 MLA Citation

/ by Kelley Ekert. “Which NBA Players Are Vaccinated, Unvaccinated against COVID-19?” RSN, 3 Oct. 2021, https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/wizards/list-vaccinated-unvaccinated-nba-players-ahead-season. 

Part II Summary

In the article “Which NBA players are vaccinated, unvaccinated against Covid-19?” Ekert talks about the effects of the Covid Virus in the NBA and how certain NBA players have dealt with the vaccine. Although there are no vaccine mandates in the NBA there is pressure on NBA players to either get vaccinated or lose privileges. For example fully vaccinated players don’t have to be regularly tested and can sit together at team meals, travels and the locker room. However for the un-vaccinated players testing is mandatory on all days involving practice, travels, and can even be tested multiple times on a game day. The cities of New York and San francisco have implemented vaccine mandates, which means that unvaccinated players from those cities are not permitted to play in any game held in those cities. A Brooklyn Nets superstar, Kyrie Irving is not vaccinated and because of that he can miss 41 home games without pay, which is half  the season. Another player who plays on the Warriors,(located in San Francisco) Andrew Wiggins was not vaccinated as well. He even requested a religious exemption from the Covid vaccine. After the NBA denied his request he then got the vaccine so he wouldn’t lose his money and miss games. Many players throughout the NBA have their own thoughts on the Covid vaccine and handle it in their own ways.

Part 3A Reflection

I would advise this article to friends of mine and people who enjoy watching the NBA because I learned a great lot on how the Covid Pandemic brought new situations for the players.. Not only was I able to find out the protacles the league took to still keep their business going, but I also found out what individual players had to deal with. I like how the writer shows the experience of the basketball players who took the vaccine and the players who are against the vaccine. Every player doesn’t have the same thought process and I was interested to read why a player took the actions they took. Something I wish the author added is that based on vaccination status among players I’m curious as to if the vaccination has caused friction among NBA teammates. I know that many NBA players’ main focus in the sport is winning a championship. How do these players feel when their teammates miss games due to their thoughts on the vaccine?

Part 3B Rhetorical analysis

This article is written by Kelley Ekert, a digital editor and throughout the article she gives us straight facts to how several NBA players were impacted by covid in their own ways. Due to the author giving us facts instead of biased opinions the readers are able to have their own reactions and thoughts on what they just read. Kelley Ekert shows the perspective of both the vaccinated and unvaccinated and the treatment they receive based on their decisions. The intended audience of the article are People who follow basketball and anyone who watches a sport that involves fans.

Part 4 Notable Quotables

“​​​​If that’s something we’re supposed to highly be protected from, that’s funny that it only reduces your chances of going to the hospital. It doesn’t eliminate anyone from getting COVID.” (Beal, Paragraph 15)

“It should be everyone’s decision. I see it both ways. If you want to get it because you feel more protected and you feel safer, and it’s protecting people around you, get it. That’s good for you. But if you feel like, ‘Oh, for me, I don’t feel safe getting it, then don’t get it.” (Porter, Paragraph 25)

“I know that I was very skeptical about it all, but after doing my research, I felt like it was best suited for not only me, but my family and for my friends. That’s why I decided to do it,” ( James, paragraph 30)

3 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry #1-Amadou”

  1. I am huge fan of the NBA myself I remember when it first shut down fans like me and you were upset because the season just started having some of the best games. I never thought about what NBA players caught covid I thought one player caught it and caused the NBA to shut down. I think you could have more details about the things the NBA did to open back up and what they had the players do as requirements in order to play. You had a few grammar issues on your paper but I thought it was interesting paper.

  2. I think NBA players signed contracts before the season started. So you probably will need to find out how the pandemic affects the club and some posts about a specific player‘s life after being infected.

  3. Amadou: You’ve got the format correct. Good!

    BUT What are some of the changes in the industry? HOw were the games able to go on? How did they keep the players safe? Ok some got sick, but that is to be expected? What new things did you learn in this article. Your summary doesn’t tell me information that furthers your research question?

    How has the industry adapted? What new protocols? How are games now played? How is safety maintained for the players and for the viewers? Are there viewers? Do ppl buy tickets? How is the NBA Changing in this new pandemic time?

    You have a good research topic, but your source, or your summary doesn’t tell me much that is interesting. What have you learned that answers your question????

    DId you pick a good article? I am sure there are lots out there. Is this the best one that answers your question. That’s is really part of the work to find the BEST sources. Then your project will be better.

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