RAB Source Entry #3-Jaden

Part 1 MLA Citation

Christopher Butler(my uncle). Personal interview face to face.Manhattan, NY November 19,2020

Pt 2 Summary

My uncle is a very successful man so far in his career he has worked with two major companies Samsung and he’s currently working with Uber. My uncle works in the advertisement part of uber so he travels all across countries to shoot commercials ads and all kinds of stuff for Uber. So with his job having to travel across country a lot he takes planes,Jets ,Uber sends cars to pick them up and take some where he needs to go so he’s always constantly traveling so I thought he’d be the best person to interview.I asked him what is it like being on the go all the time having the travel from state-to-state shooting commercials having to be on a Plane 3 times a week and what is the company doing to make so that you’re traveling safely. He told me that Uber’s handles all of his traveling Uber has their own private planes that their employees get to use (including my uncle) when he needs to get from the airport to the office Uber gives out rental cars to their employees so that when they land they can drive around as much as they need.The Uber private jets are handled like a regular plane they’re clean and sanitize thoroughly and most of the Uber employees are vaccinated which makes traveling on the private plane much safer.Uber also handle where there employees stay.Since my uncles is across country days sometimes weeks,uber sets them up in either hotels room or airbnbs.

Part 3a Reflection

The reason why I picked my uncle for this interview is because his traveling experience is different from anyone else in my family. Everyone else in my family travels for a getaway or vacation for fun. My uncle travels almost every day across the country because of his work.And not only the reason but also how he travels is very different from the rest of my family. So that’s what led me to interviewing him because I would get the most unique point of view. and I did a real inside look on how companies have adapted to traveling through the pandemic. 

Part 3B Rhetorical analysis

Interviewing my uncle was very beneficial to my research because not only did I get any unique point of view I also got an inside look at how a major company (Uber) was affected by the pandemic and what they did to adapt to it.

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