RAB Conclusion-Jaden

In conclusion

My research question was “how has the pandemic affected the traveling industry and what are some practices that’s major traveling companies adopted to adapt to the outbreak” With the research that I have done I have found out what the major traveling Industries like airbnb for example have been doing in order to keep people safe while traveling.First they cover the bases. Only travel when you need to, wear your mask so it doesn’t spread, Then we move onto the company side.

They enforce stricter policies on keeping everything sanitized and clean. CEOs of large traveling companies like Delta airlines or Hilton Hotels are enforcing strict policies so that their employees uphold the standards to adapt to the pandemic. The senior vice president of Airbnb held every host accountable to making sure that their home is safe for people to stay and to follow Airbnb’s new covid-19 safety policies. Soon after smaller hotels began to adopt the same practices as Airbnb, with renting out hotel rooms before and after they are to be cleaned and sterilized and after attendance leaves the room is to be vacant for 24 hours before the room can be rented again to someone else. What airports have done is very similar by having planes cleaned and sanitized before and after each flight.

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