RAB Source Entry#3– Fanta

Part 1 MLA Citation:

Cisse, Amy (High school Senior). In person interview. Bronx, New York. November 2021

Part 2: Summary

Amy, my cousin, is a senior in high school who has had to take online classes while living at home with her siblings. I spoke with her to learn more about how she had to share her computer with her siblings until they could afford their own computers, as well as how the service in her home was. “It was difficult for me and my siblings to share one computer when I also have classes the next hour,” Amy continued, “and my internet wasn’t strong because  we are facing the basement, and dont have enough network.” She then informed me that her siblings started classes at 8 a.m., so they were able to use her computer  use until her classes started at 9 a.m, which wasn’t ideal. The work she needed to complete for the classes, she wasn’t  always able to participate, and it wasn’t suitable for her to join on her phone. So Amy went online and applied for several DOE iPads for her younger siblings so they could attend school on their own devices. But she admitted that it was still difficult for her because she was behind on school work and her home internet connection was inadequate. She also went to Best Buy and purchased a tiny hotspot, which helped her obtain a better connection but still had some issues.

Part 3a Reflection :

I agree with Amy because it is difficult to share and poor connections are draining when you have classes. I could empathize with her since I’ve experienced internet issues in the past due to the large number of people connecting, which makes the connection slow, especially if they’re all connected at the same time. So I completely understand Amy’s point of view. It would be nicer if everyone had their own equipment and excellent internet access around the home.

Part 3B Rhetorical Analysis:

My cousin Amy and I conducted this interview. Some of what she was saying struck a chord with me, and I could connect to it. I chose to interview her since we discussed a variety of topics that were relevant to my theme. This piqued my interest, and I decided to do an in-person interview with her.

Part 4 Notable Quotes:

“it was complicated for me to share computers with my siblings when I also have classes the next hour”

“not very strong connections”

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