RAB Source Entry #2– Dylan Ramirez


Whalen, J.R. “Traveling to Europe This Summer? A Maze of Rules Awaits You. – Your Money Briefing – WSJ Podcasts.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 30 June 2021, https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/your-money-matters/traveling-to-europe-this-summer-a-maze-of-rules-awaits-you/d5483c1b-85b3-409a-a997-264913b05556.

This 7 minute and 24 second podcast hosted by J.R Whalen speaks about traveling internationally, more specifically Europe. J.R Whalen had a guest,Reporter Ben Katz, on this podcast to discuss this topic. They bring up how Americans have been aching to travel but there are many governments from around the world scrambling to put together methods for how to reopen their borders. Many countries are different in what it takes for them to reopen or allow travel, this is said in the podcast by Ben Katz “In the US the Biden Administration has been quite reluctant to tie travel or the reopening of travel to proof of vaccination. But meanwhile, in places like the EU where freedom of movement between member states is seen as a fundamental right, it’s much higher a priority.” The UK is then brought up as it is not part of the European Union to which Ben states that their system is still under view because the Uk has suffered a significant outbreak.  It was then asked if the type of vaccination matter when traveling. There are different systems such as the European union system which only recognizes those from European level vaccine, the union doesn’t count vaccines from India, China, and Russia. As stated many countries have different regulations for traveling and the US is not different. Traveling within the Us is dependent on what state you’re traveling to as it may require a quarantine period, PCR test or proof of a negative test.  The Delta variant is a type of CV which has caused out break in the UK. This variant is unknown which causes  uncertainty and can derail progress of opening border throughout different countries. In conclusion the podcast talks about the struggle of traveling internationally and all its variants such as types vaccines, Delta variation and country requirements.

7 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry #2– Dylan Ramirez”

  1. I think your source podcast source is good. Good FInd! Good Research effort!

    Now you need to listen again and take notes. You need to pick out the most important specific Main Ideas. Your summary as it is here — is missing many important points. I took a quick listen and I found a lot of specific points that are not in your summary.

    1. Vax Passports.
    2. EU nations have a higher priority attitude toward Vax Passports
    3. IN UK the Delta varient is causing concern, UK limiting who can come in.
    4. Does the Type of Vax matter? Yes. Countries are deciding which vax they can trust. For example, EU is recognizing only some vax. Travellers from countries where the available vax was a Chinese, or Russian, or Indian vax — these travelllers might not be allowed in.
    5. Travel into the US. Restrictions are about poutting travellers in a Q period, requiring neg PCR test. US is having trouble addressing the idea of vax passort bc it’s too political!
    6. Finally the podcast talks about the Delta variant and possiblity of more variants that will probably arise.
    7. In conclusion, the podcast talks about — So the push is for all nations to have a homogenious and uniform covid travel approach inorder for the travel industry to recover!

    Your MLA CItation is not correct for podcast. Use the citation machines.

    PLEASE LISTEN AND TAKE GOOD NOTES> THEN PUT IN YOUR OWN WORDS> REVIEW THE LESSONS ON SUMMARY WRITING> they are in announcements and in the Writing Grammar Skills page!

  2. Need better summary

    Need all Parts 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4 for Source Entry 2 due today.

    I gave you a practical run down of the main points above….have you looked my comments.

  3. Dylan: OK So Much Better! I knew you could do it! Now I can see what the podcast was about. YOu gve me much more specific points and your summary is much more interesting. I hope you now understand what it takes to write a good summary. Summary writing is a very important writing skill that will serve you well in other classes and in your professional life.

    NOW —

    1. One point — Instead of quoting verbatim, put it in your own words. Can you put this part IN YOUR OWN WORDS: Many countries are different in what it takes for them to reopen or allow travel, this is said in the podcast by Ben Katz “In the US the Biden Administration has been quite reluctant to tie travel or the reopening of travel to proof of vaccination. But meanwhile, in places like the EU where freedom of movement between member states is seen as a fundamental right, it’s much higher a priority.”

    THINK what that part really means and then say it clearly in your own words. This is how you show that you really understand the main points.

    2. Do not call him Ben — he’s not your friend right? So call him by just last name. Again as I said above you left this author out of your citation. Fix that.

    3. Good way to end your summary by recapping the concluding point from the podcast.

    4. Label all parts: Part 1 Citation (scroll above to where gave you the proper citation, I actually did the work for you!), Part 2 Summary — and where are the other parts? This assignment was the COMPLETE source entry 2.

    You are on the right track here! Good job.

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