Taylor, Derrick Bryson. “For Black Men, Fear That Masks Will Invite Racial Profiling.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 14 Apr. 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/14/us/coronavirus-masks-racism-african-americans.html.
Black men are afraid of being perceived as a statistic while wearing the mask. “Aaron Thomas, who lives in Ohio, said on Twitter that he did not feel safe wearing a handkerchief or anything else over his nose and mouth that “isn’t clearly a protective mask” because he is black. “I want to stay alive but I also want to stay alive.” “Wearing the mask makes me feel a little bit on edge that anyone can say this man did X, Y and Z just because of the way that I look or the clothes that I have on,” Mr. Hargrove said. “It makes me feel a little uncomfortable at times.” Two young men were followed into a walmart by cops. They told them they can’t wear the mask and for not taking off the mask, they were put out of the walmart. Even if black men change their appearance to fit in, a lot of other races still would feel uncomfortable to be around black men.
New Research leads I found for you:
Look for the links on the Research Leads page than scroll down for Black Racial Profiling. Go to the side side of Unit Two under Assignment
For Black Americans, Wearing Mask Complicated (538)
Face Masks HIde Facial Expressions and Exacerbate Racial Bias (The Conversation)
Newist Twist in Racial Profiling: Wearing A Mask While Black (John Jay College Center Media,Crime, Justice The Crime Report)
Masks Magnet for Racial Profiling (Seattle Times)
Co-vid Related Prejudice toward Asian Med Students (Journal of Infection Pub Health)
Masks Racial Profiling Walmart (Wa Post)
Race-Based Social Identity Threat and Mask (Sage Journal-uses sci studies)
Senators Demand Solutions for POlice Stopping Black Men for Mask (VOX)