RAB Proposal Paragraph- Fanta

My research question is how has corona virus affected disadvantaged students? This topic interests me most because online learning wasn’t easy for many students and for me it wasn’t really helpful. Online learning is very stressful . It wasn’t easy for students who couldn’t afford wifi or any sort of technology use. Many student’s couldn’t join classes because they had to share a device or had bad services in their homes. I feel like online learning is more stressful than being actually in the building where you can physically get help with technology and good service or etc. I read some articles from the New York Times that interested me about the topic I’m researching because it tells you about disadvantage student’s who couldn’t afford wifi or had to share chrome books with one another when everyone had class at the same time. According to the author who wrote the New York Times article “Disadvantaged Students more likely to be learning remotely Study finds” by Jason Deparle stated that Other experts have warned that disadvantaged students often lack the support that remote learning requires, such as computer access, quiet study space and help from parents or tutors. In many homes it isn’t really quiet https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/24/us/remote-learning-student-income.html?searchResultPosition=1

2 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph- Fanta”

  1. THis proposal needs to be much more developed. Follow the Paragraph Starter I showed you in class (also on Annoucements page). Study Emely and Lisa’s proposal paragraph.

    You write: How has corona VIRUS affected online learning for students?

    This question needs to be re-worded. In fact, we did not have online-learning before Corona Virus. Your questions implies that online learning was already in practice before the pandemic.

    What is your REAL question? Re-think!

    Your proposal is too short.

  2. Fanta: After we talked, I wanted to put some notes here for you.


    You are doing education right? And now you are forcusing your question on disadvantaged students and education — correct?

    So in your RAB Proposal which becomes the Introducation, you need to reword that research question to say EDUCATION of disadvantaged students.

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