Rab introduction -Marc

My research question is how has the cv affected student learning. This topic interests me because I am student where this was the first time I will have such experience. The system was so new for me, i didn’t know how to log in on the zoom calls and how to manage the website. I was so behind I even thinking multiple time about quit the classes. When the pandemic hit around February and March, it made the school began online (virtual learning). That system was new for everyone because the introductions were difficult to adapt that started to effect some achievements of the students. The pandemic affected student learning because it caused some students to lose attention to what the teacher is teaching in the zoom class. I know that the pandemic made student lose interest to read books. I know that some student can not focus because of the Environment of their house. I know that some student just come in class to take attendance but not come to learn something. I want to find out how the professor were doing with the young students(kind,middle school). I want to find out how some student adapted quickly with that system. I am student , i want to know what do you think about the online classes? did you effectively learn what they teach you?. I might research how the CV affected the economy of the United States.

3 thoughts on “Rab introduction -Marc”

  1. you are right some students gave up on school the moment they heard it was going to be online. I also agree on what you said about the students not being able to focus because of the environment at home. You chose a really good topic.

  2. YOu need to refine you question. What exactly about education will you research?

    You need to connect the pandemic to your question. GO research some topics on the NYT to come up with a more refined more targetted, more specific question on the pandemic and education.

    for example: How has the pandemic impacted student learning and student retention of learning? HOw has the pandemic effected student learning loss?

    ALSO — Your propoosal needs to have a personal angle. Why are Y OU Marc intersted in this topic? Show me how YOU have been affected by online learning, how you have expereinced online learning, and then connect to the reason WHY YOU are intersted in this topic. Get a few personal sentences. Look at Emely’s proposal to see how she shows the personal asdpect of her topic.

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