Reading Response Obama– Dylan Ramirez

   In the scene with Ray and Obama, both were eating hamburgers and talking. Ray talks about white girls and asian girls being racist. Ray had said that asians believe that African Americans have a disease. Obama then says just because they rejected you doesn’t mean they’re racist. Ray responds by listing the girls he has asked out and how they ended up with other guys despite what they had told him. It was then mentioned that Obama hasn’t had the best luck with girls either. Ray had been a guidance while he was attending university as he helped him ease into unfamiliar territory.

 “Through Ray I would find out about the black parties that were happening at the university or the army base, counting on him to easemy passage through unfamiliar territory.” This shows that Ray had helped Obama transition into a new part of his social life. Ray had been a guide to Obama while in university. This also shows that there were still secluded parties, as it states black parties instead of just a party. This ties in with the rest of this scene as it is brought up by Ray; there is still racism from other groups towards African Americans.

  I think that Obama has learned that even though everyone’s the same there is still racism, in the world and within the very confines of the university he attends.  I believe that he is on the way to releasing that he has a disadvantage because in that time people were still racist towards black people. He learns of this from the experiences of Ray. I think he also realizes that african americans usually stick together as it is said that if they were talking to african american females

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