Reading Response Obama — YOUR NAME

Obama is very good at writing scenes.  Study the way he creates theatre of the mind for the reader.  He takes his reader on his journey; he is the hero learning about himself, about who he is.  In Chapter 4 he shows us his high school years with friends and transformative events with his peer group. We could call this writing an Education Narrative.

Pay special attention to the following scenes.  Be prepared for a quiz on any one of them:

  1. The opening scene with his high school friend Ray (pages 72-73)
  2. His mental note of the “ledger of slights” he experiences daily (80-81)
  3. His grandparents’ argument (87-89)
  4. His visit with his grandfather’s friend Frank (89-91)

As you read, take note and clarify for yourself:

  • Ray is ___ (what race?).
  • Barry’s grandparents are___.
  • Frank is ____.                                            In these scenes, race matters.

Write two paragraphs, plus one definition:  

  1. In your own words, summarize the argument the teenage Obama overhears his grandparents having (87-89) and explain why it is so hurtful to him.  (one paragraph, 5-7 sentences).

2. Next, define what that term “ledger of slights” means. Look up both words — the noun “ledger” and the noun “slight.”  Define the term:

3. Now, reread the young Obama’s lament about the “ledger of slights” he experiences on a daily basis at the hands of unthinking “white folk” (80-81).   He gives a list of examples.  Choose any TWO.  Write down the quotation of each example and explain it in your own words.   (one paragraph, 5-7 sentences)

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