
Hello my name is Brian Tejada I was a student from Juan morel campos I been there for almost all my middle and high school days,I decided to come to City Tech so I can study more about what I need to learn in order for my future life.Some of my hobbies are mainly laying sports and gaming I also enjoy the outdoor life especially seeing animals in wood or rivers.I also enjoy watching sports as well mainly like football and soccer,I used to play the sports in a team when I was little but stopped because I needed to focus on studies.I went through a lot of stuff in the past but im nt so easy to give up so I push my self to do the best I can.

Well enough about me talking about my past and stuff now im going to talk about why I came to City Tech it not so I can study and all it so I can study for to be a Orthopedic physical therapist,I want to study for this because at home I have both parents who suffer with muscle problems and well they mainly ask me since they cant but slowly over time I started to get good and they feel relived so I figured that if I study for what I want I can do more than just rub there bones and help them I can actually relive them of the pain much easier.Thats why when I do finish I can help more people who suffer with bones or muscle problems and relive themes hopefully here in city tech I can accomplish that goal.

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