
My name is Justin Stewart, growing up I was always the odd one in the group. Even though I had a lot of friends and didn’t really have people who disliked me I’ve never met someone my age who shared the same passion for cars as me. I love building and handling cars weather it being in the game or real life. My goal in collage is to become a mechanical engineer and work on cars in the future. For the most part I’m very quiet, I’m the type of person who won’t speak unless spoken too which makes it hard to make new friends. Inside of school I’m as formal as formal can be, but outside of school is where my true colors show. In my free time I like to play video games of all sorts of genres whether it be racing games or FPS(first person shooters) shooters. 

 I don’t know much about my family since I’ve only connected with members from my mom’s side, my dad side not so much. It took me till my first year of middle school to find out I was half Colombian. I was not taught Spanish because my dad, my grandma and great grandmother didn’t know it, so it wasn’t necessary for me to know it. Since majority of my family is Jamaican, I only learned about that side of my culture. In recent years I’ve found myself learning more and more about other cultures such as Japanese, British and French traditions. I’m not quadrilingual but I know some Spanish some French and some Japanese, its only formal greetings for the most part. I wish to learn Japanese so I can watch my anime without subtitles lol.  Hopefully this helps you get a better understanding of me, and I hope to relate to some of you as well. Cheers! 

3 thoughts on “Intro-Justin”

  1. We have plenty in common from what you’ve written. I also love anime and video games, and i’ve had a fascination with cars from a young age as well. since i’m more into technology, I branched more towards computer science. I hope to one day live in Japan, learn Japanese, and be able to watch my anime and read my manga in the manner its intended to. I’ve always been an antisocial person for a long time, but my hopes for college are to become more social and find more people to grow with academically. Hope to see you soon.

  2. We got a similar interest in video games t. I also find cars interesting mainly because my friends showed me them. I want to learn spanish because growing up i didn’t learn it even though my mother knows how to speak it. I also tend to be quiet at times especially when i am meeting new people. Hope we can become friends. Take care

  3. I learned a lot about you in this intro. You write with good details and give us good insight into your interests and background. Good Job! I share your curiosity and interest about other cultures. It’s great that you already know your area of interest and have direction. Engineering is always a good future. I know this since I come from a family of engineers. In fact, my father was an engineering college professor and I remember he always told my friends, “You should study Engineering. YOu will always have a bright future!” And so this is true. My brother and my son are both engineers and they both found good high paying jobs straight out of college. More imortantly they are passionate about their work. I think finding your passion is the key — whatever the field. You sound like you have a lot of passions — a great way to learn about the world. I look forward to learning more about you as the class advances!

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