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Karen Zraick. “Man Charged With Hate Crimes After 7 Asian Women Are Attacked in 2 Hours.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 3 Mar. 2022, www.nytimes.com/2022/03/02/nyregion/asian-women-attacked-nypd.html.

MAIN IDEA (MI) Asian American women are increasingly becoming victims of hate crimes and aggravated harassment and harassment during the pandemic, adversely influencing their safety.


During the pandemic, there has been increased anti-Asian violence due to hate crimes; police records over 131 bias incidents against Asians in 2021 compared to 28 recorded in 2020 and 3 in 2019.


An assailant approached a Fifty-seven-year-old woman of Asian American descent about half a mile from East 30th street and Madison Avenue. The assailant punched her in the face without uttering a word, a nightmare that repeated itself with other subsequent victims.


Attacks against people of Asian American descent have led to four deaths; Chinese immigrant Yao Pan Ma, Michelle Alyssa Go, Christina Yuna Lee and GuiYing Ma, compromising their safety.


In the “Man Charged With Hate Crimes After 7 Asian Women Are Attacked in 2 Hours”, Karen Zraick reports increasing hate crimes, and harassment against Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author states that, hate and physical attacks on Asian American have made them fear for their safety. Many Asian American women continue to live in fear of such attacks and harassment. She further provided information about the recent attacks by Steven Zajonc, aged 28 years. He punched, elbowed in the face and mouth of Asian women without saying a word in New York. The author included other related events such as assaults on a Korean diplomat and the killing of Yao Pan Ma, Michelle Alyssa Go, Christina Yuna Lee and GuiYing Ma. Most of these victims are women aged between 16 and 57 years old. The rise of anti-violence against Asian Americans women can be associated with possible increased risk of violence, hate crimes and killings.


Reading this article makes me angry that this young man kept attacking 7people within minutes apart, targeting only women. I find these events disgusting and heartbreaking because they attack knowing that the other person is weaker than you. I work in the area where this series of assaults happened. It scares me to think that one of the victims could have been me. In the article, Karen said “Anti-Asian violence in the city has soared during the pandemic.” I strongly believe Asian Americans have become more fearful of recent harassment, threat and anticipate a return to normality after the crisis. I’m worried about such actions because they display disregard for humanity and nationality. I think in such cases it’s tough for victims to prove their attackers’ racist motives, which makes cases like this challenging. Recently, I have noticed these events carefully, whether in the television news or in the newspaper, these assailants are mostly homeless or live in the shelter. They target mostly Asian women. I wonder why that is? Are they really mentally unstable as most of the reports state?


The New York Times is a reliable source of different types of information. Due to its educated audience, the source has qualified and reputable writers who help it reach its objective to inform the public. The author of this article is a breaking news and general news reporter and editor at the NYT. Her audience is everyone. In addition, one of the things I found useful was the fact that she also provided a short video clip in the middle of the article, showing the suspect walking through the area from the night of the incident. The purpose of her article was to inform readers about how a man attacked 7 Asian women in two-hours spree in Manhattan.


“There was no prior interaction, and no statements were made, in any of the incidents, the police said. The man’s image was captured by surveillance cameras on Sunday in several locations.” (Karen Para 8).

 â€śWe are sharing this because the attack on this Asian American artist, which happened near Seward Park not far from where Christina Yuna Lee was tragically murdered, is another incident in a long history of violence against Asian Americans,” (Karen Para 16).

“Condemnation is not enough,” (Karen Para 20).

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