RAB Source Entry 1- Mateo

MLA Citation-Goldberg, Emma. “A Two-Year, 50-Million-Person Experiment in Changing How We Work.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Mar. 2022, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/10/business/remote-work-office-life.html?searchResultPosition=6.

Main Idea- How has the pandemic made working remote convenient for employees?

Supporting detail 1: Working remote allows people to waste less time on commuting to work and less money on public transportation/gas.

Supporting detail 2: It allowed people to spend more time doing the things they loved, like spending time with family, cooking, watching shows, and also getting more into exercise.

Supporting detail 3- It allowed for better job opportunities since people felt as if going to their office jobs wasn’t for them. Many strived off of just being able to work quietly at their at home desk comfortable and were fully rested.


In the passage “A Two-Year, 50-Million-Person Experiment in Changing How We Work”, Emma Goldberg tells us about how different people adapted to working remotely. The writer mentions in the beginning of the article that a woman who was an office worker didn’t really enjoy her work at the office. She felt as it was pointless trying to have chit chat with others, but when the pandemic hit she had started to work remotely which allowed her to receive a raise and ultimately made her feel better about her job. Many workers that were interviewed for this article agreed that working remotely has made them happier and has allowed them to have more free time to enjoy their hobbies. At least two thirds of the workers said that they wouldn’t want to report back to the office and feel as if they get the same amount of work done staying home than in person. However, the writer also points out the fact that not everyone feels the same way about working from home. Emma Goldberg pointed out that people had felt lonely just sitting at their computer screens from 9-5 just waiting for their day to end. They had the bonding that was created meeting face to face and the jokes told by the other office employees. The authors main idea of this article was to tell us that many workers prefer to work from home because it allows them to be more comfortable and gives them more time for themselves. The author’s purpose of this article is to show that the pandemic changed the way people worked and was convenient for some un convenient for others.


This article helped me understand the different perspectives on working remotely and how it has positively or negatively affected people. The article helped my research question by explaining the various ways people used working from home to benefit themselves like running, time for themselves, extra curricular activities, and spending time with family. I can relate to when the author brought up spending more time with family because I myself was positively impacted by working remotely. Before the pandemic my mother and I didn’t get to spend as much time together as we hoped to due to the simple fact she would work from 8-5 and I was in school and hanging out with friends for most of the day. I would come home around 8 every night and by that time my mom would already be ready to sleep so I couldn’t really hang with her as much. , but when the pandemic hit, everything changed. She was a personal assistant so she was able to work from her laptop at home, so after both of us finished our work we would most likely sit on the couch and watch tv or movies. The intended audience for this article is for people who would feel as if working from home is more comfortable and less time consuming so they could switch just because most of this article talks about the positives of working from home. .


” They mentioned sunlight, sweatpants, quality time with kids, quality time with cats, more hours to read and run, space to hide the angst of a crummy day or year. But the most strongly argued was about workplace culture”(Goldberg).

“The office, in other words, was never one size fits all. It was one size fits some, with the expectation that everybody else would squeeze in”(Goldberg)

“And some employees, buoyed by the labor shortage, are holding their work-from-home ground, with some two-thirds of remote workers reluctant to return according to the jobs platform”(Goldberg).

1 thought on “RAB Source Entry 1- Mateo”

  1. This NYT article sounds like a good one! Good on finding a good source:

    1. Problem: YOuhave not revised your proposal paragraph.

    How is this article on Work fit into your RQ: Your RQ was on a very very big topic ECONOMY? Di dyou revise it? Shoule your RQ be SPECIFICALLY about WORK

    2. The MI cannot be a question! You write: Main Idea- How has the pandemic made working remote convenient for employees? Find the MI again.

    3. THIS PART NEEDS TO MOVE FROM SUMMARY TO REFLECTION second paragraph on rhetorical / genre analysis: You write: The author’s purpose of this article is to show that the pandemic changed the way people worked and was convenient for some un convenient for others. WHERE IS THE REST OF THIS PARAAGEAPH> Go back to the assignment! Author and Source Credibilty?

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