Writing Task Resilience- Oishe

Throughout the pandemic I’ve experienced many struggles and changes that still to this day I am adjusting to. However, the most impactful hardship I faced was online learning. I was an active student back in high school when the pandemic started. I started my own singing team, was apart of cheerleading and the soccer team. The second schools were closed, I didn’t know how I would adjust to not seeing my friends and peers in person and being able to interact with them. It was a foreign feeling having to be on my computer for hours and doing work without any sort of human interaction and at times I would feel some void as to not being able to ask my teachers for aid and having them write down things on the whiteboard or write on my notebook the steps to solve a math problem. Learning through online learning was difficult and to this day two years later I still sometimes struggle to learn because I get distracted easily or my internet goes out, technology itself isn’t as realistic as being in a classroom.

I’ve coped through the changes from in person to online learning by finding ways to make myself feel comfortable and more interactive. For example, my guidance counselor back in high school was able to set my singing team meetings online on zoom so that we were able to “meet” and catch up on music. My friends and I would video call and have study sessions or do our school work together to have an illusion of us being back in school working and learning together. In some aspect, one thing I got out of online learning was more free time and adjusting my time table and skills such as time management and organization. I’ve learning a lot about myself throughout that stage and adapted to the changes that were delineated to me and made the most of it by developing skills and ways to get through it. Personally, all of us were impacted by these changes and finding ways to cope or better ourselves are difficult but not impossible.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience- Oishe”

  1. Very good. Good details. Good focus on online learning difficulty and how you coped. Loved that you do video study sessions with others! Great idea.

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