Writing Task Resilience – Randy

One thing that’s been hard for me during the pandemic to say the least has been definitely transitioning from in person to online learning. In my 16 years of my educational career I’ve never experienced online learning ever, it was always in person learning there was never an in between or an option to do so. In this particular situation with the pandemic we were forced to pretty much adapt to the new norm of not attending an in class setting which was very ordinary to do. Not much I would like to remember of the horrific year of 2020 but I do remember having my last in class experience on a Tuesday evening March 10th,2020. As we were finishing wrapping things up in class to be specific it was my Intro to Rad Tech class a class of 27 potential Radiologic Technologists. We all listened for any specific instructions for our next in class meeting which would of been the following Tuesday March 17th, 2020. We all made our way out the classroom like every other classes. As I made my way home from school, news went around that we were entering a Global Pandemic due to the Coronavirus and remembering and thinking to myself like what are we all going to do now, where does that leave us now. Students were introduced to a new way of learning which was distance learning.

One coping strategy I developed to increase my resilience was managing my stress level. Due to the drastic changes that came with adapting ourselves to the pandemic was making sure we were healthy before anything else and taking the extra steps of cautious. One thing I learned about myself practicing this strategy was definitely taking things one step at a time. I would normally try to wrap my head around everything all at once and would find myself constantly always stressed and not gaining much of anything by repetitively doing the same thing again and again. That as well started to interfere with my poor school performance and poor performance at work as well. Something had to be done and came up with a plan of taking everything one step at a time. Once I found the groove of things I continued to do just that and was able to get the hang of things and built me to what I am today. Managing stress level has helped me handle every situation much different and more at ease when placed in a stressful situation no longer considered “stressful”.

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Resilience – Randy”

  1. Hey randy I also had a similar problem when the pandemic came around it was new experience for the both of us. I do like your coping mechanism I had to deal with plently of stress from my teachers bombarding me with work. Once you start to settle in everything gets easier from there and on glad you were able to overcome this conflict.

  2. Hey Randy, online learning was a struggle for me as well and I also found different ways to distract myself or get the most out of it. I told myself sometimes bad moments thrown at you can be molded to positively good things that you can get out of.

  3. Very good. Great focus on ONE hardship with good explanation and good details. Love your memory of that last day and the worry “what will we do?” Good focus on One coping strategy: One step at a time! Great strategy.

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