Writing Task Resilience – write your first name.

We’ve studied strategies the young Douglass practices to build resilience in the face of horrific obstacles.  Now turn to your own experience.

Paragraph One:  Think of ONE thing that’s been hard for you during the pandemic. Focus on ONE specific hardship  Describe it in some detail.

Paragraph Two:  Then write about one coping strategy you’ve developed to increase your resilience.   What have your learned about yourself in practicing this strategy?

Two paragraphs, (6-7 sentences each)

Option to apply this HW task to remote learning: Caroline Hellman’s opinion piece argues in favor of classroom learning.  Some of you may feel that the online learning experience has been difficult. What ONE aspect of remote learning has been the most challenging.  How have you coped?  What strategies have you developed to be resilient?

Respond to two other student posts.

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