Mentor Text Analysis – Leslie Martinez

I watched a video interview “Teens Talk About Mental Health During the Pandemic”, by Common Sense Media. In the first 40 seconds of the interview, they inserted serval clips of each teenager explaining their mental health impacts during COVID. They used this to hook the audience. At the end of the video, they provide outside resources (hotline) to find help for those teenagers struggling to get through the pandemic. This opens many opportunities for young adults struggling. Also providing them with a second chance. The incorporation of storytelling is provided by asking each teenager a series of questions. In which they proceeded to state their own experiences. What I realized about the setting in each interview was it seemed the same for all teenagers. The interviewers were done all in the comfort of their homes. If the video had no audio one thing that would stand out to me is their facial expression as well as emotions. Observing each teenager’s face as they speak about their impacts on mental health tells you a story itself. The video interview is 4:16 long. In my opinion, I consider the audience to be young adults struggling and searching for answers. Overall, the video concluded with the teenagers giving advice and motives to their audience. That also included a couple of hotlines for help. The message given is, don’t allow yourself to give up when you are able to change that. In my project, I want to emphasize the power of a second chance. I want to try to give resources to find help. One thing I want to avoid in my project would be making my audience uncomfortable or unsafe.

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