Mentor Text Analysis- Mateo

I watched the video interview ” Asian Women Share Fear of Harassment”, by CNN news. The video hooked the audience by opening up with 3 random asian women walking in chinatown and showing that they are laughing and talking with each other. They incorporated research more towards halfway through the video showing statistics that asian women have seen a uprise in hate crime and by also showing previous incidents of asian women hate crime in the past few months. Most of the storytelling is between the 3 women in the beginning sharing their stories of hate crime against them and all their scenarios on this topic. Visually, the beginning setting is the 3 women sitting and walking in the park and transitions to more scenery of NYC. The Video interview is a little longer than 4 minutes and ends off by showing the fear that asian women have to face and are ultimately scared to even go outside alone. I think the message is to spread awareness of asian hate so people can try and help more rather than avoid asian hate crime if they encounter it. Also, to inform asians to stay safe and be aware at all times because others have been victims of these hate crimes for no reason. I will try and emulate the statistics and history of my topic by making a small canvas sheet with my information that I gathered. I will try and avoid asking the same questions to my interviews and not be repetitive with questions.

3 thoughts on “Mentor Text Analysis- Mateo”

  1. Hey Mateo, nice paragraph I really like how you were able to break down the video very easily. I can clearly understand the general idea of the video without even having to watch it great job! I just wanted to inform you that you didn’t state the who is the targeted audience. I’m pretty sure you already know but I believe it’s everyone and they are trying to spread the awarness to the help get rid of all this unneccsarry hatred against Asian women.

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