RBG Op-Ed Analysis- Mateo Jeronimo

Main Idea- The main idea of this article is that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to go through many hardships to get to that Supreme court position and took in a lot of advice along the way to overcome those hardships from the people who motivated her.

What’s the purpose?

The purpose of this article is to give motivation to young children and show that people can overcome many obstacles when they are surrounded by supportive people.

Who’s the author?

The author Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the first female jewish Supreme court justice. She is the first person ever to be top of her class in both colombia and harvard law and fought for many laws, one being equal pay for women.

What’s the occasion?

The author created this text at that moment to show how far women have come in the Justice system. She says that in 1956 when she first enrolled in college that women were less than 3% that made up the legal profession system.

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