“Ve a la escuela. Estudia lo que tu quieras. No te preocupes porque yo voy a encontrar la manera para apoyarte, auqnue me tenga que arrastrar por el piso.”
“Go to school. Study what you want. Don’t worry because I will find a way to support you, even if I have to drag myself on the floor.” These are the words of my 51 year old Mexican mother. I will never forget the time she said this to me as I laid on her lap. It was a cool August night and I went into my mother’s room to talk to her. I sat down on her bed and started telling her about the complications I had enrolling in school. She listened quietly and when I finished, she held me and told me to just focus on getting into school and that she would help with whatever I needed.
After that night, I constantly thought about what my mother had told me. I knew I couldn’t disappoint her. If she was willing to do whatever she possibly could to make sure I went to school, then I would also do whatever I could. I decided to put all fear and stress aside and started meeting up with my college advisor regularly. I made sure to gather and submit all documents, and I did whatever else I needed to do. After two years of being unable to go back to school, I had finally enrolled. My mother’s words impact my life now that I’m in college because although what she said was fairly recent, it’s changed the way I think and act. It’s also given me motivation to do the best I can.
“Ve a la escuela. Estudia lo que tu quieras. No te preocupes porque yo voy a encontrar la manera para apoyarte, auqnue me tenga que arrastrar por el piso.”
“Go to school. Study what you want. Don’t worry because I will find a way to support you, even if I have to drag myself on the floor.”
These are the words of my 51 year old Mexican mother. I will never forget the time she said this to me as I laid on her lap. It was a cool August night and I went into my mother’s room to talk to her. I sat down on her bed and started telling her about the complications I had enrolling in school. [EXCELLENT — GREAT DETAILS GOOD SCENE – CAN YOU ADD MORE? HER WORDS, YOUR WORDS – DIALOGUE] She listened quietly and when I finished, she held me and told me to just focus on getting into school and that she would help with whatever I needed.
After that night, I constantly thought about what my mother had told me. I knew I couldn’t disappoint her. If she was willing to do whatever she possibly could to make sure I went to school, then I would also do whatever I could. I decided to put all fear and stress aside and started meeting up with my college advisor regularly [You could develop more on the process the steps you took to get yourself here at CTech.] . I made sure to gather and submit all documents, and I did whatever else I needed to do. After two years of being unable to go back to school, I had finally enrolled. My mother’s words impact my life now that I’m in college because although what she said was fairly recent, it’s changed the way I think and act. It’s also given me motivation to do the best I can.
Jacqueline: Excellent start for a good stary!
Where are you going with this seed of a story — Can you develop this piece further?
IS this piece about your relationship with your mom? Is she the person who believes in you and motivates and supports your ambitions?
Is this a story about the two different worlds – the Mexican immigrant child trying to make it for herself and for her mom? Does the Mexican mother or values influence you today to be the best you can? Do you go back and forth American / Mexican two worlds. Think about Olivarez about Tan and their stories of being in two diff worlds and how it has shaped them and given them determination and drive. Is this your story too?
Is this about a change in you? What How have you been changed by these words from your mother?
Is there a moment after this, when these words compelled you to go forward in a difficult time? How have these words impacted you in difficult times?