Writing Task Mentor Quote- Leslie Martinez

Quote: “you wont ever be able to be proud of yourself if you keep saying you cant. Only you can change that.”

There once this english teacher my freshman year of highschool that suprisingly actually helped me love english and thats suprising for even me now. I wont say her full name but for now well call he Ms. T. Ms. T wasnt one of those boring teachers that taught english with no enthusasim she always found a way to make class intresting which was what i loved about having her as my teacher. We were outlining this essay about The Odyessey and i had completly given up on my intro. I remmeber writing an intro an then earsing it every single time i had started it. At this point i just had given up on the entire essay and was willing to take a fat zero.

Ive never had a teacher there for me the way Ms. T was there she gave me advice that made me really ponder about all my life decions and how i really do tend to give up on alot easily. The next week after we began writing our first draft for the essay and i just told myself to write what makes sense in my min because when i fisnish my draft i can always go back re read and make some edits. Ive never been one to ask for help, but i wasnt afraid to ask i wasnt even afraid to be incorrect. I will never forget that my 4 years in highschool she still had given me advice even if i wasnt in her class and she was the start to my love towards writing and reading. I had been brought down and doubted by many of my past teachers and i was told i wasnt going to get through highschool because my writing wasnt fit for highschool material but all i needed was encouragment. You will never see when your giving up on something so quickly you will think you tried it all you tried your hardest but in reality you didnt push yourself past your limits and thats exactly where you went wrong.

2 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote- Leslie Martinez”

  1. It’s great you had a teacher who would make lessons interesting and also care about the success of her students. For me, most of my past English teachers have been disinterested in whether their students were invested in their lessons and were more interested in just doing their jobs. I would have loved to have your English teacher.

  2. [start here] “you wont ever be able to be proud of yourself if you keep saying you cant. Only you can change that.”

    There once this english teacher my freshman year of highschool that suprisingly actually helped me love english and thats suprising for even me now. I wont say her full name but for now well call he Ms. T. Ms. T wasnt one of those boring teachers that taught english with no enthusasim she always found a way to make class intresting which was what i loved about having her as my teacher. We were outlining this essay about The Odyessey and i had completly given up on my intro. I remmeber writing an intro an then earsing [spelling!]it every single time i had started it. At this point i just had given up on the entire essay and was willing to take a fat zero. [Here you have the start of a good scene — now show me more. What did Ms. T say/do to encourage you to continue?]

    Ive never had a teacher there for me the way Ms. T was there she gave me advice that made me really ponder about all my life decions and how i really do tend to give up on alot easily. The next week after we began writing our first draft for the essay and i just told myself to write what makes sense in my min because when i fisnish my draft i can always go back re read and make some edits [Did Ms. T teach you this?]. Ive never been one to ask for help, but i wasnt afraid to ask i wasnt even afraid to be incorrect. [show what Ms. T said or what she did to make you comfortable to ask question and to be ok with being wrong] I will never forget that my 4 years in highschool she still had given me advice even if i wasnt in her class and she was the start to my love towards writing and reading. I had been brought down and doubted by many of my past teachers and i was told i wasnt going to get through highschool because my writing wasnt fit for highschool material but all i needed was encouragment. You will never see when your giving up on something so quickly you will think you tried it all you tried your hardest but in reality you didnt push yourself past your limits and thats exactly where you went wrong.

    Work on: Capital letters, Spelling errors, Run-On sentence errors

    Leslie Ann: You have a good start here, but so so many errors: DID YOU TYPE THIS ON YOUR TELEPHONE? Pls work on your computer!

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