Writing Task Resilience – Richard

  1. One thing that has been hard for me during this pandemic is finding a part-time job. I mostly wanted a job to give myself something productive to do during my free days, save up, and fund my hobbies. But such a task is difficult when you get rejected by almost every part-time job you apply to. I mostly applied to retail jobs since they’re what I’m used to and most comfortable with at the moment, but I’ve had no such luck since my last job. It’s really frustrating and depressing because I’ll see signs in stores that say that they are hiring and need help, but when I apply, I just get ignored. I was able to land one job at Best Buy but it was only a seasonal job and it ended after three months. Besides that job, I’ve been unemployed for a good part of 2020-2021 and now some part of 2022.
  2. One coping strategy I developed to deal with my failure at finding a part-time job is talking with my older sister, Daphne. She’s always been in my corner when I needed her and we’ve had similar experiences. She’s gone through a long time of unemployment and trying to find a job, so she understands where I’m coming from. Her wisdom has helped me learn that through persistence, I can always succeed at my goals. This is evidenced by my sister finally landing an awesome job at a law firm and my job at Best Buy previously. So I still try my best to apply for new jobs in hopes of landing a permanent part-time job. I will admit that there are times when I don’t apply due to feeling hopeless, but eventually, I always get back on track.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience – Richard”

  1. I feel for you. YOu do a good job of making me feel your frustration with good details. Good strategy and it’s good that your sister is a source of support / encouragement for you!

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