Reading Response FDouglass– Sangay.

PART 1. After the young Douglass loses his mistress as his teacher, what strategies does he practice to continue learning to read?  Who does he turn to for help?  How does he persuade them to help him?

In order to continue learning to read, he established friendships with all of the little white boys in his neighborhood. Whenever he was sent for an errand, he always took his book with him and he tried to finish his errand quickly so that he could get his lesson from them before he had to go back. He gave bread to poor little hungry white boys, from which he received valuable knowledge. He regarded them as his teachers and they helped him succeed in reading.

PART 2. “I got one of our city papers, containing an account of the number of petitions from north, praying for the abolition of slavery in the district of Columbia, and of the slave trade between the states.”.

This sentence is a hope of light to the little slave boy who has been working so hard to learn to read despite so many difficulties and obstacles he faced. Because of his dedication, he was able to read city papers and understood that there are people in the north who are against slavery and a place where he can escape to.

10 thoughts on “Reading Response FDouglass– Sangay.”

  1. Hey Sangay i really like both of your paragraphs phenonmal work. I agree with the fact that reading came to be a curse for Fredrick Douglass. However, I would like to add that his suffering did not only come from the ability to read but also his own curiosity. I also wanted to say that I think you may of misinterpreted the assignment if you read part 1 it says choose only one question and answer it. Then in part 2 it says find a quote and explain the meaning behind it just wanted to let you know.

    1. Sangay your paragraphs are great and summed up all required parts for the questions. Also, I like the way you added in that he regarded his friends as his teachers. But the second part of the homework was to cite a quote from the text and explain how you felt about it. In order to avoid not being graded properly you should finish the second part before we have to submit it. Since your first paragraph is good the second one using cited text should be good as well.

  2. Sangay: Very good in Part 1.

    What you chose as a quote to analysis in Part TWO is more matter of FACT. “I got one of our city papers, containing an account of the number of petitions from north, praying for the abolition of slavery in the district of Columbia, and of the slave trade between the states.”

    Instead — Your choice of quote should be a set of words or sentences that are more significant. Look for a quote that has deeper meaning, that lends to analysis of Douglass’s words and his meaning.

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