Introductions – Savannah

Hi My name is Savannah Lynah and I am 19 years old My birthday is October 25th. I am an only child of an American/Jamaican household. My mom was born in Jamaica and moved to the US around 2 years old and my dad is from Brooklyn, NY. A few things that I like are cars, anime, and reading. In the future I hope to have about 3 cars(I would love a BMW M4 or M5) and would love to travel with friends and family to see new places or even go back to places I’ve seen before and meet people with the same interests.

As of today, I am in my 5 semester at City Tech and I am a Health Science major. For about my first 2-3 semesters I was a Mechanical Engineering Major. I have decided to switch so that I will follow my original plan to become an RN and possibly climb higher from there. I think my interest has changed because of the pandemic and seeing how much people have fought the virus especially those in the medical field.

2 thoughts on “Introductions – Savannah”

  1. Good introduction I really like the fact that you are aiming for a Health Science major. This pandemic really threw the world in a hole that we are slowly climbing out of and its great to know that our future is bright. Hope you can climb up those ranks but i do want to know why do you want 3 cars? Im not really a car person myself so i never wondered why people need more than one car.

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