My name is Richard Gregory Bordes and I’m 21 years old. My birthday is March 12th and I was born in the year 2000 as the youngest brother to a group of five older sisters. I’m technically Haitian-American, even though I’ve never really been to Haiti. My entire family except my father are believers of the Christian faith, with my mother being the one who brought us up in the religion.
Some of my hobbies include watching anime and TV shows like Demon Slayer, Invincible, and Hawaii Five-O. I also like reading manga along with comic books and playing video games (mostly RPGs). Some examples I enjoy are the Bleach manga, Marvel Universe comics, and Pokemon games. I’m currently attending City Tech for my Associate Degree in Liberal Arts before I move on to my desired profession.
I’m actually not really clear on what profession I really want, but I do have an interest in Veterinarian Studies. I’m really passionate about animals and I watch a lot of animal-centered content. Posted with this introduction is a picture of one of my favorite animals, a capybara. They’re said to be the most “chill” or calm animal in the world.

Nice dude I really like capybaras too, I used to want to do the same when I was way younger, but I would work around the world at sanctuaries and trying to stop stuff like the dog meat trade and just animal cruelty. I’m a liberal arts major too, I just changed it from computer engineering tech because that was not what I wanted to do. Are you Christian as well or just put up with it because of your family? I hope that wasn’t disrespectful I was just genuinely asking 0_0
Wow that’s a nice picture of a Capybara. I’ve never heard of a capybara before it’s my first time. In all honesty it is refreshing to see someone who is passionate about animals as it looks like you are.
Amazing introduction I can’t believe we have very similiar interests and tastes in TV shows and video games. I hope you can decide on that profession because I had a similar problem going into college. It does take a lot of critical thinking because this is your future and you only really have one shot at it. I hope you succeed and become what you wanted to be.
I finally found someone else who really loves and has an interest for animals. I like capybara’s because they kind of look like giant guinea pigs (I have 3). Also, I noticed our sibling situation is reversed, I am the eldest and the only girl (but its out of four siblings instead) so that’s kind of funny I guess. I also relate to you on the __ – American thing. Although I’m Mexican, I’ve never been to Mexico myself.
Richard: WOW — Thanks for introducing yourself in such an inviting way. Look at all the dialogue your intro generated. This is the very first time I have gotten a picture of a capybara in my class introductions. Super Cool Picture and SUper Cool Animal!