Introduction — Abel Tricoche

My name is Abel Tricoche, it’s okay if you can’t say my last name everyone has a hard time with it. An easy way to say it is (Three-CO-Che) I hope that helps if you wanted to know how to say it. I am Puerto Rican, Ecuadorian, and Trinidadian, my mom is Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian and my dad is Puerto Rican and Trinidadian. I have a hard time easily saying what I am because there are so many different terms to address people of Spanish descent, I don’t even know if that is how to correctly say it either. I do want to learn more about my culture and my ancestors because my family tells me we have so much mixed cultures in our blood.

Off the topic of my ethnicity, I am the youngest, my brother being the oldest, with a wife and son. I have 5 dogs and a turtle, we rescued all of them. I am learning guitar and piano, I draw, play video games, watch anime, recently started reading more but not enough. I used to collect Funko pops, but I focus more on collecting pins and patches for a few years now. I changed my major from computer engineering to liberal arts, I planned on focusing on my art more to eventually get into animation. I want to travel all over the world, first stops being Japan and Italy. Once college is over, I plan on going on a road trip all over the US because I’m tired of New York, it’s a little overrated.

1 thought on “Introduction — Abel Tricoche”

  1. Glad to know younger people rescue pets as well cause the overpopulation issue in pounds is ridiculous and yet people still breed for money. I went to high school that was really focused on things like animation and 3-d printing and whatnot, just a heads up that animation is so much work and takes years but hopefully you achieve what you want. And yes New York is overrated (if you’ve lived here long enough).

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