- Introduce myself and the podcast
- Start off with a joke
- Ease in with information on my topic
- Relate to audience(try tying in something a normal person would know)
- Bring in current events
- Ask questions to get audience thinking(these should come from RAB)
- Provide my own opinion on the topic
- Since Ill be alone scenarios for the audience may be vital
- Close off with a question or with something to keep the audience thinking
You really have given very little specific information.
Where is your working title?
what type of Podcast will you do:
Please go to the assignment an d look at the HOW TO’s that I put in the option to create a podcast.
What audio? What programs will you use to create audio? remember Podcast has some audio elements.
BIG PROBLEM and probably why you don’t gave a good outline. YOU DID NOT DO HW 4 Mentor Text Analysis of your chosen genre…so go back and do this important HW. Or else how will you know how to make a podcast?