Shitty first drafts – Daniela

PART A: The process of writing a first draft is definitely more about the journey than the product. When you start your draft, you have little idea about where you will end up. There are no rules on how many drafts you can write until you’re satisfied. The product is what your audience will see in the end, but only you’ll know then ten drafts you wrote prior.

PART B: ” Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something — anything — down on paper. ” The moment you start, everything else falls into place. When I write, I usually ask myself questions to start off. This helps a lot if you’re having ” writers block “. It just gets the words flowing. It’s much easier to structure an essay once you have all your thoughts and information down. All you have to do is sort them out. I do this especially when I have to write longer papers. My five page essays have started with a few questions.

1 thought on “Shitty first drafts – Daniela”

  1. I completely agree with you, the point of drafts is to continue revising until you’re happy. The product is just one side of the overall story but it’s the process that lead to the finished result. Being able to write everything that comes to mind is how a story begins; you continue with your idea until you have finished.

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