
When I was working on choosing a topic and developing a research paper, the first difficulty I had was to find a topic that takes my interest. I mean, There are a lot of  good topics out there but I didn’t know which one I should choose. So, what I did was to take only the top 5 topic that I already have some informations with and then break them down. In the end I choose the topic that I feel the most comfortable with. Another, difficulties that I had was to search for the right sources. I am still struggling with it so far but hopefully, I will find the right ones that I think are more relevant to my topic. As for strategies, I used outlines and brainstorms. The reason I use them was because my professor in High School forced us to use those before writing down an essay. Somehow, I got used to it and now I could not write any essay without doing those two first. As for the question for my assignment, I do not have any right now.

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Journal post

My research is about the printing press and who taught of the idea first. There are many civilizations who thought about copying images, which makes it hard for me to stick with one theme. Should i focus on how it starter rather then who.

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Journal Post 3/19

For my research project I had a rough time trying to decide what my research question should be. I decided I wanted to focus on Digital Media vs. Print text, but wasn’t sure where my focus should be. After some fast research on the internet and seeing what results showed up, I decided what direction my research question could take. Even though I had come up with a question, it still wasn’t focused enough. The Badke readings helped me focus on what I should be looking for when researching a topic. I was more conscious when choosing what keywords to type in google. The feedback and suggestions that Prof. Leonard gave me definitely helped me see where I can be going with my research question and feel more confident in writing my research proposal now.

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Notes from today (3/19), and readings & assignments for Thursday 3/21

Today we continued our discussion of the research process and you used to map the interrelated ideas contained in your research questions. You also got a chance to try out; (so sorry we ran out of time — next time, I promise!) We will talk more about citation management on Thursday. Slides from today are available here. Here is a sample concept map:

On Thursday we’ll discuss (and do!) advanced internet searching. Please read Badke Ch. 6 (all) and Ch. 7 pp. 161-162. View the Common Craft web search strategies video. The final version of your research topic proposal is due at the start of class, either emailed to me as an attachment or handed in as a word-processed document. Questions about your research topic proposal? Please get in touch!

~Prof. L.

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Journal Post Uno

The main difficulty I have encountered with working on my research proposal is actually picking one, I know that I’m suppose to pick one that relates to the class and interest me but I can’t seem to find one that satisfies one. As for now I’m still not sure on what topic to establish in to a research paper but so far I’m working with “Does the media, both print and broadcast, report fairly? Does it ever cross the line between reporting the news and creating the news?” I haven’t gone over any strategies as of yet and the main question or rather statement I have about the assignment is can I have some idea of where to begin on it.

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Journal post 1

What difficulties (if any) have you encountered as you work on your research proposal?

So far I have only had two major issues. The first being which topic should I write about, I was torn between copyright laws, privacy and intellectual property. All three of these subjects are fascinating to me and I would not mind fact finding in order to write a good research paper. The second issue I came across was; how can I narrow down the subject I had chosen? This to me was the most challenging aspect of the assignment. There were so many different avenues that could be taken that it became frustrating.

What strategies (if any) have you used successfully during this work?

As far as choosing what my topic should be, I simply choose the one that had the most profound impact on my life (privacy). Another thing that really helped was the feedback that I received from Prof. Leonard. I was able to really pin point my topic to exactly what it will be.

What questions (if any) do you have about the assignment?

So far no questions about this assignment.

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Research Journal Post 1

I find it hard to make my topic more specific. To be honest it was hard choosing a topic. I couldn’t find a topic that actually would interest me outside of class. The one I chose was last minute, but I don’t think I can make a better one on such short notice. I actually haven’t began to search for articles or anything on my topic. After looking at our topics, would you have told us that there may not be much information on our topic? I’m not sure how much information I can find about plagiarism in high levels of academia because I never looked for information about it. I just have to hope for the best.

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Research journal

I read over my research topic proposal and its comments. I have some background information pertaining to my topic, due to a previous reading assignment. I have yet to start finding a source, I could start with the Web for now. I need to start my outline for the reaserch paper. The research topic proposal will be fine-tuned for Thursday.

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I have been very busy with so much work from other classes that I have finally been given the chance to do some research. From my previous quest on looking for information that revealed negative uses for the Stop Online Piracy Act (S.O.P.A), I had stumbled upon a very promising news article from the New York Times. Actually the website has several articles which look very promising in helping me complete my essay.  The article covered just the information I needed. I have yet to go over the other articles, and need to search for scholarly and internet sources. So far this looks very promising.

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Research Paper Journal

Dear Journal,
I found my research topic finally. Finding my research topic was hard because I didn’t know where to start from. I receive my feedback now I need to make it more specific. The topic I choice I made it something I’m interested in order to be able to write 5-8 pages.i haven’t really started to gather any information yet. I did just like try to google and look up sources just to make sure. There is enough information to back up what I’m saying and to creat new information. My biggest fear is that my paper will be boring and restating all the information I read about. I like using the and/or/not. For this paper I’m going to try and use specific search engines. If I have any questions I will email the professor.
-Shamekia Thompson
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