Category Archives: readings

Fair Use For Media Literacy Education

Paragraph 5 begins with “The principles are all suject to a “rule of proportionality”. I guess these particular principles establish a balanced ratio between media use and its limits. That makes sense. After all, there is a such thing as … Continue reading

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Notes from today (2/19) and reading/blogging assignments for Thursday 2/21

Our discussion today tackled quite a bit: Web 2.0, participatory media, and big data. Thanks to our facilitators, Alae, Erica, and Rob, for effectively generating discussion on these topics. Slides from today are available here. On Thursday, February 21 we … Continue reading

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Blog 5 – Web 2.0 Wiki – Reading Response

The Wikipedia entry on Web 2.o explains that Web 2.0 is the newer version of the original World Wide Web the second generation of it so to speak. Web 2.0 is a way to connect with the what you may … Continue reading

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Notes from today (2/14) and reading and blogging assignments for Tuesday 2/19

Today we discussed alternative print and electronic media. Important issues raised in discussion included the challenges of distribution of alternative print and online media, the potential for censorship of online media, and the wide range of topics that zine authors … Continue reading

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Zines 101

I infer that “zine” is a short version of a magazine. I like that there is so much freedom involved involving zines. They could be about anything random. I do not recall ever reading or seeing a zine ever before. … Continue reading

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zine reading respond

Zine is a very fashionable form of publication. We can find them in many independent store and online network. They are mostly published by the writers themselves for non-commercial use.They come in many different shapes and usually very informative. They … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading & blogging assignments for Thursday, February 14

Today we discussed non-text media and some of the challenges presented by moving from a predominantly analog environment to a digital one. On Thursday 2/14 we will discuss alternative media, both print (zines, pamphlets, etc.) and electronic (blogs, wikis, etc.) … Continue reading

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technique of researching

We learn some technique of researching in library, or maybe not just library. Media is a big source of  information we obtain everyday, such as TV channel, newspaper, encyclopedia, or even Facebook. But lots of those information are lacking accuracy, … Continue reading

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Media and Technology

Throughout history, media would not have many opportunities to grow if it were not for the development of new technologies. For instance, photography did not make an impact until Samuel Morse introduced it to American newspapers in 1839. Morse described … Continue reading

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Need help logging into library databases?

“Love for Labels” by Serona Elton is one of the assigned readings for this Thursday. It is an article originally published in Billboard magazine and is available from Academic Search Complete, one of the library’s online databases. There are TWO … Continue reading

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