Author Archives: Harpreet Kaur


Plagiarism is when you take other writers or author’s original work and say it is your work. In the first reading “Plagiarism: a lie of the mind” by Isserman, he said, “Plagiarism is a form of fraud. You plagiarize if … Continue reading

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Online Privacy

This reading “Online Privacy” talked about how online information is being leaked out and many of us are unaware of it. Many of us has been experienced these kinds of problems. For example when we buy some stuff online we … Continue reading

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What is copyright law? Copyright is a contract between authors and society, which is if author makes promise to make more stuff then society promise not to copy it or build on it for some years or for lifetime. I … Continue reading

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Social networking sites and knowledge

Internet is so popular that everyone in today’s world likes to use internet to search something. With it people can get knowledge almost about anything. They can connect with other people and share their knowledge through internet. Wikipedia, YouTube and … Continue reading

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Magazine and Zine

In this reading, Fred Wright touches a brief history of zines and survey and analyzes some of their common characteristics. The word “zine” comes from English language word magazine, which itself comes from Arabian word “makhazin” the plural of “makhzan”, … Continue reading

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Digital Media

In the reading “Producer of digital media”, Pavlik talks about the changes in media that arise after digital age. Media used to be written and limited in the past, with the invention of World Wide Web there has been an exponential … Continue reading

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Media in the Digital Age

In this reading John V. Pavlik talks about current digital innovations, for example blogs, peer to peer file sharing, and the digitization of television, radio, and satellites, and their positive and negative implications. This reading made me to think that … Continue reading

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Badke’s theory about Information

What is information?? Information is knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction. Information supposed to inform and it has to reliable, relevant, and current and so on. In ancient times the information used to pass from generation to generation orally … Continue reading

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