Author Archives: dlawrence1123

Is Plagiarism Really Plagiarism?

What’s really considered plagiarism? Everyone seems to have their own interpretation. We all know there’s flat our bold stealing-your-work type of plagiarism, which consists of copying word for word of ones work without giving credit, but there’s an interesting point … Continue reading

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2/26 Discussion: Privacy & How a Digital Media-Rich World Poses Social Challenges

Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck By Danah Boyd IMPORTANT POINTS: On 5, September 2006, Facebook – a social network site primarily used by college students at the time – launched a feature called ‘News Feeds’. Upon logging in, users faced a start … Continue reading

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Copyright Reflection

Copyright is necessary in todays society, it promotes creativity by allowing others to think off of work that has already been created. Without copyright laws put into place it will discourage artists and entrepanours from creating new works knowing they … Continue reading

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This article was interesting enough because I never knew what a zine was. I’m a fan of underground works. I don’t really favor mainstream creations. This all started from listening to music. I disregard what’s on the radio & try … Continue reading

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Producers of Digital Media (Unofficial)

Pavlik mentions, “Whether text, audio, or video, media of all types in the digital age come from an exploding array of sources, or producers of content.” With that being said, the digital morals of the new generation has been summed … Continue reading

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New Tech & the Media

Living in a time where technology is advancing by the minute. Pavlik’s evaluation on the uneasy alliance really makes me wonder, what’s the world gonna be like in the next 20 years? The Terminator? On a serious note, the digital … Continue reading

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Blog 1: Badke – Preface, Chapters 1 & 8

I found the preface really exciting to read. For most students the term “research paper” can be really depressing and or antagonizing. Badke took the time to encourage and aspire research papers or knowledge at that to being powerful, & … Continue reading

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