Producers of digital media

The reading talks about how in digital media there is an immense amount of eclectic sources, raging from the professional, to political, to publicly made at home videos covering a wide variety of content. Traditional news providers have seen the advantage of digital media through the world wide web and have decided to take its place amongst the digital evolution. paragraphs five and six are examples of how these traditional print publishers have resided to make video reports to accompany their printed text. It goes on to discuss how average people had begun to create fan videos of their favorite shows and movies for entertainment purposes and not profit. this slowly evolved to people creating and uploading  their own videos of  performances to just sharing their own opinion’s of different subjects.

What really caught my attention was in the 17th paragraph where it discusses how the Professional news organization had begun to accept photographs and videos from “lay citizens”, because of their cellular devices that provide quick and easy uploading and emailing of the content. This raised a question to me, are we uploading our humanity or are we simply losing it by not fully appreciating the beauty in front of us in which we seize to live it?

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