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instruction video

This is a short video that helps new Microsoft office 2010 users comprehend how to use the new features in Microsoft word. The instructor is the project manager of office and she is the narrator of the video. She displays how to use and understand these new features and better enhance a project and organize data with elaborate creative traces. After watching this video one can and will get a brief overview and feel more confident using this program to asses these new features in an assigned paper, a formal letter and charting with improved labeling such as a text effect that allows a glow to be present behind a word or words.


Documentation Process

This is a YouTube video that documents the process of mummification. More specifically the mummification of Herakleid, a young man who died at a young age of 20. The narrator first explain the origin of the mummification and reasons why it was practiced. After that She describes the process which the mummy undergoes until it is complete. The narrator was clear and point out what make this process unique and different from normal mummification process. I found this documentation Very clear and informative. The fact that it is in video format makes it very easy to follow and see what’s going on. If I had the ingredient, I am confident I can recreate a similar mummy thanks to this documentation.

Documentation Blog


This can be part of process documentation because it shows people how to clean jewerly. This video can benefit many women, since they like wearing all kind of jewelry and at times it gets dirty and need a clean-up in order to wear it again. The Lady in the video explains the steps that it is need in order to clean any kind of jewelry brand like diamond, gemstones, and even pearls. She says to use three parts of water and one part of ammonia, a soft bristled toothbrush and a soft cloth. When cleaning a gemstone and a diamond jewelry, they dip it in the mix of water and ammonia and brush it with the toothbrush for cleaning. With a softcloth they clean the pearls after each use in order to keep it clean. She suggest to send the jewelry a jeweler every six months to a year to clean it with a ultrasonic machine, which is a best way to clean it more better.
I had seen other videos before about the cleaning of jewelry, but this one was intersting because it dealt with water and ammonia together in order to clean jewelry. The thing that I done before is to just buy the product that is to clean a specific jewerly and use, or just send it to a jeweler to clean it for me. Now that i know this tip i would try it at home and see what the results are.

How to clean vinyl records with wood glue

So this is  a short how to video showing you the best way to clean your vinyl records. If you buy or collect record albums like me you know that they are very prone to dust and dirt and have to be cleaned regularly to maintain the sound quality and to  keep them from damage.  Using wood glue is  trick that is used a lot by record store employees to really get dirt deep in the grooves. In the video he tells us the best type of glue that will work for this because you have to be able to peel off the glue later. He demonstrates how to apply the glue on the record and offers some tips on how to peel it off and to clean up any residue it might leave behind.  It was  a very  insightful video for me because I have some dirty records that are starting to sound really bad, a lot of static and skipping, but I didn’t want to clean them with water and soap because I know tap water leaves a lot of minerals behind that can mess up the sound quality even more. He didn’t mention it in the video, and he should have, but usually people use water and soap, a cloth or a brush to clean their records that can lead to further damaging a record if you do it incorrectly.

Like A Bioré® Strip For Vinyl…

Just a bonus video. This one is really entertaining because he actually plays the wood glue that he peels off.


News Flash – anti-piracy bill in the Senate could censor the internet

Those of you writing papers on topics related to intellectual property, freedom of online communications, and the government’s role in monitoring the use of the internet would do well to keep up with this bill, “Preventing Real Online
5 Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual
6 Property Act of 2011,” or the Protect IP Act. See current news articles for analysis, opinion, and more (and let me know if that link is broken).

~Prof. L.

Being inspired

No matter how much we try to create something of out own we still need some sort of inspiration. Regarding who we are it does not matter. the R. Hauptman passage gives us some form of clue when it comes to using someone else work as long as you give them credit for there work. It does not matter who you are but at the end of the day to create something you will need some form of idea that was previously engineered and look upon that to see what can you do to either strengthen it or make it better. You may try and not use someone else work but sometimes to better explain something, you need another individual to better capture the meaning of what you are trying to convey to the audience. By giving the credit deserved to whom ever that you are quoting is a good idea because it lets you use someone elses work without jeopardizing your masterpiece.

Gained knowledge from LIB1201

Conducting research before this class was like a game of roulette, I was either lucky to find reliable sources or not. However, after all the readings in Badke and the assigned readings the professor assigned I have become more comfortable with researching and confident in finding exactly what I am looking for. I have already applied my knowledge from this class to my other classese in all my research paper, and as I mentioned before my research has been successful and writing my papers have been much easier. I never felt like writing an outline would be helpful before this class as well and I have been incorporating this in my researching strategies. Overall, I have gained a lot on researching and finding reliable sources from this course and I will continue to use it in my future academic years.

Advanced Research

Before this course I knew what google scholar was and what it was used for. I however did not know how to use it effectively. Limiting keywords, shortening phrases and even searching for topics related to the direct subject matter were a couple tools of trade I am able to take away with this course. Even though my research project is turning out to be a little more difficult than I originally planned it is a good challenging experience for me to now have to use these library catalog databases and expland my research methods. This is definitely something I will be using to write any extensive research papers I may have in the future in my other classes and I feel as though this experience was helpful.


Research Journal

Based 0n what we’ve discussed in the past week, i’ve learnt just how ineffective google scholar is. I got nothing from the site, it didn’t help in the least. I also learnt about city tech’s vast research database made me proud to be a student at this school (for once). I also experienced first hand how unreliable it can be, because it didn’t work when i needed it to. I also learnt how effective worldcat can be, just a tad effective for books only. It has a neat feature that lets me see what books are available in the city tech libraryThis is something that is actually helping my research right now actually. I plan on taking out an online restraining order against google scholar, it has to stay 5 clicks away from any site i’m visiting at all times. I plan on going back to the research database more often(hope it’s working now).

Research Blog

Everything that we learned the previous week about advanced internet search, searching library catalogs and searching article databases was very helpful to me, not only for this class but for my other classes as well. I did not know about a lot of those search engines. I find the google scholar the most accurate and most informative of all, I got a lot of interesting articles on there about designing and architecture which were of great help to me for my other class. I also like the google books, a lot of books that I had to use for some of my classes, I found those books on google books. I learned a lot about internet search which will always be helpful whenever I have to do another research paper.