Tag Archives: Wikipedia

Randell p. wikipedia

The reading by Nicholson Baker titled “The Charms of Wikipedia” is the funniest reading I’ve read in a long time. From the way the author writes down to the Wikipedia page alterations, it makes this reading unbelievably enjoyable. Baker makes a valid point on the success of websites in today’s world. I agree with his statement that online websites should have an addicting element to keep active users coming back. Now I wouldn’t sit and play watchdog on a page I have edited just because it is too easy for it to be changed and spammed by another bored and anonymous user.  While Wikipedia is a questionable source, it does provide useful information about many different topics. After all, it is still an encyclopedia.

the falsification of wikipedia

Social networking has a lot of advantages but unfortunately it also has it’s cons which makes that a real big problem. As Broughton explains to us about wikipedia . pretty much 90% of the information on is in not reliable. the reason is because when it comes to the world wide web, users sometimes have the opportunity to alter the information . as much as we depend on the net now it is difficult for us to actually sometimes differentiate the fact from pure bogus. That becomes a sentential amount of deal because certain amount of users who utilize the web for productivity. A good example of that can be the video that we watched regarding the ice cream productivity. How others came up with their own creation but needed a way for customers to give there feedback’s. The web gave them that opportunity to do so.

Assignment 4 – The Charms of Wikipedia

The videos are interesting, even though, the video on “social networking in plain English” is very simple. The reading on Wikipedia is incredible. I like reading and absorbing information from Wikipedia (I have to admit that I can’t help it, even when I know that it not a trustworthy source of information as anybody can participate and add information to it). The points cleared out by the article, “The Charms of Wikipedia” about how people watch over the information. They edit it, check it, add and even delete information from it everyday, which takes lots of time and commitment. Also, there are people who save information from deletion and frequently updating it. A large credit goes to the people who are watching over the information and the founders of Wikipedia. People can find information about almost anything on it and personally, I am addicted to it. Once, I start reading, I can’t stop. My advice is to read from it but also try to relate the information from other sources, just in case if you want to check the authenticity of the information.

The Incredible Wikipedia

The guys who invented Wikipedia couldn’t possibly have fathom at the time how big it was going to be . But Wikipedia was so well received from the get go and it exploded with the public. It gave everybody a chance to share their knowledge and be heard. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to experience Wikipedia during it’s inception. The information was probably more trustworthy back then since it was mostly highly educated people who had extensive knowledge on a subject who were contributing. But then regular people  also caught on to it’s charm. I use Wikipedia daily and it’s incredible how you can start searching for something and by the time you’ve finished reading you realize you’ve ended up on a completely different page reading about a completely different subject. One of the great things about it is that it’s kind of a  big extensive network of information. You’re able to link up articles that are similar or that support the information on the article. It’s a great way to have more common knowledge on a subject but at the same time it shouldn’t be taken to heart although there seems to be a system in place to try to control the vandalism. Most Wikipedia entries have sources linked up with the article so we know where the information was found and one should consult those sources as well if they’re more interested in having an extensive knowledge  on that subject. It’s always good to consult different sources and have different viewpoints to fully understand the content.

Wikipedia & Social Media & Social Networking

One thing that surprised me, when reading the article was that,“More people use Wikipedia than Amazon or eBay.” But why is that? Well since, nowadays many people do research work the first thing that pops in a search tool is Wikipedia. But, yet since the information issomewhat not reliable we know that we must not rely on it. There are people, whose source will be Wikipedia because they so do believe that it is very useful information at first glance but the thing they don’t know is that it can be changed somehow. Well, since everything is changing in media we will realize that sooner or later we will have to deal with better and improved technology because we cannot always rely on the first things that was invented. Even networking changes because it improves the way people connect to each other and no longer be strangers but friends’ through the social networking. Social Media can be seen more clear now because of it improvements and new techniques to provide needs for people.

The Charms of Wikipedia and the ever enlightening Creative Common videos (Yay!)

I enjoyed the reading on the charms of wikipedia. That is all. Lol. I’m a Wikipedia fan, i often search it for the most mundane and not so mundane of things. It gave me a glimpse into why people aren’t aware of my (super awesome) show, Newsradio. Did i mention it is pretty awesome? I also found out about the history of Toyota due to Wikipedia. This article, has been a real eye-opener for me in that it has shown me that Wikipedia isn’t always the final answer. Meaning it may not be as credible as i had given it credit for. The article goes into detail showing how Wikipedia isn’t quite idiot-proof. However, that “idiots” have actually helped shape Wikipedia into what it is today. By providing more guidelines and auto-correct bots (paraphrasing) for articles posted. If only we can get some auto-correct bots for Congress.

I enjoyed the videos as well. Nothing mind blowing really. i’m still impressed by the simple approach they employ in explaining things. Kudos guys.