Author Archives: chrismth

Being inspired

No matter how much we try to create something of out own we still need some sort of inspiration. Regarding who we are it does not matter. the R. Hauptman passage gives us some form of clue when it comes to using someone else work as long as you give them credit for there work. It does not matter who you are but at the end of the day to create something you will need some form of idea that was previously engineered and look upon that to see what can you do to either strengthen it or make it better. You may try and not use someone else work but sometimes to better explain something, you need another individual to better capture the meaning of what you are trying to convey to the audience. By giving the credit deserved to whom ever that you are quoting is a good idea because it lets you use someone elses work without jeopardizing your masterpiece.

Otaining Information

In chapter Five, badke goes on to discuss how all some of the information that we try to obtain sometimes can not be free. We all wish for all the books that we ever tried to read be free but unfortunately can not happen. The reason is simple, because someone took there time to create that specific book that you would like to obtain and if so they would love to be compensated for it. Badke even went on to say “that is how the world revolve and it ever stop being that particular way it would stop. It may not look like that but without money being involved a lot of information would be kept to who ever created it and it would be a hell of a lot harder to procure the vast amount of information going around which would be the opposite of vast.

Conducting a proper research

this chapter very in formative. the reason why i say that is that i tend to try and create a research project out of thin air which makes everything twice as difficult. going to the the library can give you great ideas of what you would like to base it on intern decreasing the headache of just making one up. making a topic with no meaning to support it makes everything harder. by familiarizing yourself s with books you can create an well understood project. Badke even explain to use how google tend to be academically week and it does not provide with the amount of factual information that we demand to complete our task.

To be quite honest i did not know if so much occurred behind the scenes just to obtain a few narrowed information. to find what you need, specification plays a big role. As badke stated you have to add certain word in your sentences to make  sure what you looking for can be found. By understanding what is broad and narrow information that can distinguish if you get good or best information for what is being search for. Badke even went on to explain how to enter a question in the search engine to get the more relative description that is needed. If what is entered is to long the web will give you a numerous amount of broad information which will have you going to each links to best determine what is needed for you. You can facilitate that just by implementing a few tactics can help you and also minimize the amount of time used.

Privacy no longer exists

In the reading “Online Privacy” it explains  to us how we no longer control that anymore, because it is easy to obtain an information anytime that it is needed. We the users felt safe at a certain point  up until now that technology have advance and should protect us, but instead facilitates it for everyone to get the information needed about an individual. They give you all these loads regarding how you can back up your prize information online to obtain it when the time come and do not guaranty any safety when it comes to that. Leaving something on the world wide web means pretty much anyone savvy enough with a computer can find there way of extracting the information. A great example of that is facebook. In the reading titled “Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck.” it tells us how many users panicked when they introduced them to the news feed feature on facebook. How there privacy was less concealed as it was before.

Regarding “Discipline”

this passage was mainly focused on discipline. Telling the readers how it is most impotent regarding of what ever is being discussed,As they stated throughout the passage whom ever is a professional in that specific field should be the only one that is capable of making in argument when is comes to there field. By having another intellectual to come against what was already said is basically an indiscipline situation. they give numerous amount of examples regarding that topic, such as if the government have problem concerning a situation they wont necessarily get in contact with a third party regarding the circumstances that they are in. They will try and accomplish that task in there manner even if it means trial and error

the falsification of wikipedia

Social networking has a lot of advantages but unfortunately it also has it’s cons which makes that a real big problem. As Broughton explains to us about wikipedia . pretty much 90% of the information on is in not reliable. the reason is because when it comes to the world wide web, users sometimes have the opportunity to alter the information . as much as we depend on the net now it is difficult for us to actually sometimes differentiate the fact from pure bogus. That becomes a sentential amount of deal because certain amount of users who utilize the web for productivity. A good example of that can be the video that we watched regarding the ice cream productivity. How others came up with their own creation but needed a way for customers to give there feedback’s. The web gave them that opportunity to do so.