Notes from today, and reading & blogging for Wednesday 2/8

Today we discussed the landscape of digital media, including “born digital” content, differences between digital and print media, media ownership, and blogs and wikis.

On Wednesday, we’ll discuss alternative print and electronic media and welcome a guest lecturer, Prof. Susan Thomas of Long Island University. Please read the following 3 articles:

Not required, but absolutely worth reading (and very short, with many interesting images): Occupy Periodicals at the New York Public Library. It’s a blog post that summarizes alternative press publications owned by the New York Public Library (thanks, Prof. Thomas, for bringing this to my attention!)
Field trip, anyone?

Your blogging assignment is to comment on at least one blog post; I’d like to see 2-3 substantial comments that add up to 100 words rather than several short and superficial comments like “I agree!” Consider incorporating ideas from the assigned reading for this Wednesday into your comments when relevant.

Slides from today are available here.

~Prof. L.

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digital vs print

According to the web 2.0 article it seems that since the web continues to grow at an exponential rate, publicists have started to question if its wise to continue printing various literature. Its cheaper and quicker for magazines and books to present their work on the internet and to reach greater volumes of readers, then going through the hassle of printing hard copies. In my opinion, I feel that while this seems true, people will always want hard copies of certain pieces of writing. The web should be used as a vehicle to promote and get a buzz going about a new book or article but not in any way replace a printed copy altogether. I understand that printing is not as Eco-friendly but people waste paper and trees in other ways much more and if you want to help the environment address them instead. I feel its always good to have a hard copy as the web and cyberspace in general is always susceptible to crashing and being hacked, why risk losing the only copy of a great piece of literature. This would be a risk if printing books and various literature was only done via web.

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According to the video, Blogs in Plain English, anyone can be a blogger. they can blog about their interest or whatever they want like writing into a diary. In the video Wikis in Plain English, it explains how just about anything that is typed in wikis can be altered with the simple option of just edit and save. It is also a good way to stay organized between multiple conversations.

In the book, Media in the Digital Age, Palvik states that mobiles and handheld devices allow journalist to obtain information easier and can take as much time as they want. Journalists are almost like bloggers. With the technology they have, they can get directions with their GPS and find their way out through unknown places fast and easy. Technology now is very important and can help us in our everyday lives.


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In Medieval times or before, the ones who stood sentry outside the gates were the first casualties. They also served as a warning to us of impeeding danger, a valuable sacrifice for our safety. If we fast forward to present day. The job title still exists but the function has changed. Gate keepers are now organised collections of people , societies and sometimes in a more virtual form programs that police the WORLD WIDE WEB. Sourcing and filtering infomation that can have consequential impacts on countries ,communities and even individuals. Kurt Lewin was the first to associate Gate keeping with media in (1947). He describes as “A wife or mother as the person who decides which foods end up on the family’s dinner table.” (Lewin, 1947). .” Although he applied it originally to the food chain, he then added that the gating process can include a news item winding through communication channels in a group. This is the point from which most gatekeeper studies in communication are launched. White (1961) The person who made the connection.

Gate keepers also exist in other media communities . As early as 1909 the People’s Institute in New York City created “The New York Board of Motion Picture Censorship”. This board quickly acquired a great deal of influence beyond New York City, and most of the major motion picture producers eventually agreed to submit all of their films to the board and to not release any films unless approved by it.(Movie cencureship in the United States a breif history) They used decency and moralistic governance in determining what we saw and later also sanctioned the ratings in relation to age relavance. I can loosely detect a trend that those in control from Aristocrats and now to present day corporations, will always set the model for us to follow. This digital age is no exception.

Media has now morphed from professionally coordinated to personal and profesionally influenced . In other words when news previously ran a cycle of field work editing and press. It can now stream strait from the field or live at the site it is taking place , captured from as common a device as a cellular phone. Every and anyone with access to the WWW can be a broadcastor . With conduits like Youtube ,Facebook and twitter to name a few. One method of Gatekeeping here, is to flagg inappropriate material. Money and public opinion can also determine what we see. One very famous example of such strong arming took place when OJ Simpson tried to circulate a book itemizing how he would have gone about his killing of his wife Nicole , had he really done so, with the aid of Fox News as a preamble to its launch. A financial windfall in the minds of Rupert Murdoch and the board at Fox, only the be shortlived and canned because of overwhelming disagreement by the viewing public.

So as emboldened as it may appear to us , and our encouraged first amendment. We can never get carried away , one certainty is that there will always be someone or something holding the reins . That my friends is the Gate Keeper. Or as we learned in “The Matrix” Agent Smith and the other Sentients.

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Blogs & Wikis Common Crafts

The World Wide Web has many forms of communications and ways to let certain information out for the public to view, but one form, in my opinion, should be used differently. Wikis are not so big in spreading out to the public. Wikis are more towards slowing a self-knowledge information to be written. A posted wiki can only be seen by those interested in the post, whereas, a blog is a much more spreaded post and attracts the view for most viewers no matter the subject. While blogs state the opinion of the poster, wikis allow the reader to add more knowledge from someone else perspective.
Even though the public has a right to speak freely, gatekeepers trend to decide whether a published post is worth published or not. Most people have to publish what they feel like writing with the limit of there language and way of expressing themselves in blogs. With wikis, gatekeepers themselves can be the editor without having to really say anything to anyone. Blogging is a form of expressing ones opinions, but bloggers have to keep in mind that gatekeepers want a juicy post to be able to have a fine profit out of it.
Any form of wiki has an advantage and a disadvantage. Advantage being that knowledge is spread to more people without having to tell one individual at a time, but a disadvantage is the time frame in which that piece of knowledge is spread. Whether wiki or blogging is a good source for readings or not, I personally believe that if I would have to express myself to the public, it would have to be through blogging only because my opinion is entitled to be read and not rephrased.

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The Internet Today

What’s interesting in, Read:Write, by Mary Harrington and Chris Meade, is how technology is constantly growing and businesses are using the internet and digital media as a form of communication whether it is previously recorded with visual and verbal information or in real time. And since access to the internet is nothing more than a mouse click away in today’s day and age, organizations promote their information or products as much as they can. But now, anyone can post anything from an ad to what the writer thinks or knows, and change the information whenever they please. We see this occur on multiple websites that are categorized as “Blogs.” People can mass-post the same info though they might have subtle differences or imperfections to the original, just as people would in a wiki. I believe they do this to lend a helping hand even though they could possibly be completely wrong. There’s so much possibility on the internet one person can produce that it is astounding how easy it is compared to a decade or so, ago.

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The World Wide Web: Facts or Opinions.

Well would you look at that. Something that sides with my thoughts of the internet today and how it has become a huge source of manipulation. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the internet but as far as research may go and having to use the interenet for information really frustrates me. There are too many websites such as Wiki that allows anyone to basically put in their two cents and change anything to sway towards their opinion.
Social networking however can’t be looked down upon all the time. Yes most of the time it is just jibberish or opinions from the ones who post them but all in all, at least half the world goes to their Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. to stay up to date with stuff relevant to them. My opinion? The internet has done so much great things for us but the flaws are always going to be there hiding in the shadows of its success.

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The world web of information. The one armed bandit.

We see that there are many ways of showing information. The history of technology to bring the news and information has literally exploded onto us. From the invention of the first pictures to accompany print in newspapers around 1853 to the telegraph, telephone  and radio in processing the news.  Bringing it to the people faster and better has always been the driving force. It has changed into many forms in the years past. Whenever a new technology becomes available we find many ways to use it. Yet in utilizing it we also take the chance of failure.  Like the Orlando Florida Time Warner full service network. Public opinion and desire drives business. If a technology is ill suited to give the public the experience they want it will fail. Still today anyone and everyone has the opportunity to post, blog, tweet, wiki, ad infinitum. The technological opportunities are endless and we are literally on the bleeding edge. Success or failure of technology to media in this information age is like being at the casino at that slot machine.

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Common Crafts Videos

I found Common Crafts video “Blogs in Plain English” to be quite truthful. People nowadays not only put news out their on blogs, but blogs in general, substitute how a person informs people on things that would interest them. In a way, blogging is another form of networking, in terms of describing things that interest you, that in turn can interest another blogger. As for the other video “Wikis in Plain English” his explanation of it was indeed descriptive, but a big issue with using a wiki is having false information posted onto the website. Not only would it cause for confusion to outsiders who are there simply to learn more about something, but it also means that the source itself is pointless, if anyone could change the facts with the two buttons “Edit,” and “Save.”

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Blogs: The End of the “Gatekeepers”?

Blogs. They’re everywhere in the Internet and cover a wide-range of topics of interest, ranging from food to sports to news (either locally – based on where the blogger lives – or international headlines that the blogger deems to be important to share to his or her audience) to traveling. Just Google one of your interests and there’s a good chance you’ll see a weblog about it by someone.

“Blogs in Plain English” by Common Craft explains what a blog is and how it’s used by anyone who has knowledge of and access to the Internet. In doing so, it also presented the possibility of the end of “gatekeepers.”  Continue reading

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