Research Champion Online Documentation

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Final Project Link

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Research Hunt

Intro & Background

Steven Harkins, Darren Marsh, Ian Pei

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Wrapping up!

The online documentation project is due by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 23. Be sure to post the link to your project to our course site, and make sure that the project site is public. Please submit your self and group evaluations to me by 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23; attaching a word document to an email to me is fine.

Thank you all for your hard work on this project and on all the reading, written work, blogging, and class discussions throughout this semester. I’ve enjoyed hearing your thoughts, questions, and ideas about information, media, research, and documentation, and I’ve learned a lot. I hope you all have too.

Good luck with your other finals, projects, and papers!

~Prof. L




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The ILA Information Access

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The Regular Game Show

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Final Blog Post

In my opinion, the future of information can really be categorized in a range of new knowledge that one learns, and chooses to share with the rest of the world. It definitely is good for now, with the internet as a tool many of us use and expand upon, the future of information could simply stay the way it is, and everything would be fine. However, that is not always the case, since us, as a society are always evolving and growing, so it’s only a matter of time before information access changes along with it. In the future, I’ll simply use information to better my career, and my knowledge because that’s its sole purpose, to educate. Therefore, using information in the future can only make a person stronger, depending on the information and how it’s used.

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future of information

Information is possible in very legitimate and illegitimate sources, but the future will not sever either source. I think certainly more scholarly writers will intensely and additionally contribute to the future of information, and people with less of an education will use open source and alternative media to distribute information. The challenges about information will and can be the internet. Scholarly information will control certain sites that approve registration for fees(pay-wall) then the information will be less costly, but only available for registration. Because the open source information will be inaccurate and radical the scholarly people will even control alternative sources like magazines, journals, television, radio, newspapers and multimedia. In the future I will need to site sources of information holding onto the fact that I want it to be free, but forever using the library and their resources to benefit my job and school activities.

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The Future of Information

I think that the future of information has more ways to go. The internet is still only a decade old and is still improving in more ways than the average person can imagine. I am looking forward to witnessing the solutions to the various types of problems that accompany the information that can be accessed from the internet right now. Gathering information is way easier in the world we live in today due to highly innovative technological advances such as the internet. Problems such as limiting school databases, information paywalls, and unreliable sources are what hinders the future of information from evolving.

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