Charms of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the most common and general sources for information nowadays. But these information comes from unknown and anonymous people/sources all over the web, and with this in mind one may think or even doubt how reliable ‘Wikipedia’ really is. In my opinion the charm that Wikipedia gives off is that it is readily one of the easiest to access sites in this century. Except that the only downside is the information may or may not be fully reliable unless the researcher does a double check on the facts that Wikipedia gives and compares it to another reliable source such as sites that end with .gov or .edu which are maintained by the government themselves.

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Warp Speed Scotty!

The web may not be the final frontier but it’s certainly our frontier. None of us will probably never step foot on another planet, devise a new way to split the atom or, discover the first dilithium crystal but we can all explore and interact in the deep recesses of the world wide web. From our desktops, laptops and tablets we beam down our thoughts, opinions, and preferences onto the surface of planet 2.0. There we encounter countless other beings, new friends and old in vast social media networks. We gather and exchange information through wikis and blogs. We create, compose and, distribute, for our own satisfaction as well as for others to enjoy, that which interest us. Ever changing, constantly advancing planet 2.0 captivates us all. resistance is futile. It is uncertain what 2.0 will evolve into during our life time but it is certain to evolve. Set your phaser on stun, keep your shields up and enjoy the adventure….engage!

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Social Media Surrounds US

Common Craft’s “Social Media in plain English” video gave me a different point of view. I’ve never thought of “online reviews and ratings” as a type of social media but I suppose it is. In New York City there’s definitely not a shortage in dining and entertainment options, a quick online search can help drastically narrow it down. You can easily find ratings on food, price and décor by the average person to help you make a choice. I myself almost never purchase anything without reading reviews from others. And in that way social media has become a key factor in my buying choices.

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The charms of wikipedia

Wikipedia has been around for many years and it has been used immensely. This source gives us access to basically any information your looking for. But is it really a charm? How can we be so sure that the information given to us by wiki is the honest truth. You will never be sure to know that you are not receiving false information due to the fact that any one can feel free to post what ever they please whether it’s false or true. Wiki does help us in many ways but we honestly don’t know if It’s helping us the right way we need it to, with true information that will be helpful. So according to me it is not really considered a charm.

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Wikipedia In My Eyes

Wikipedia and others alike has grown enormously over the years. There’s so much information on Wikipedia that it’s insane. But the problem with that is that with Wikipedia, anyone can edit and add false information can either entertain some and annoy others. Yes it is nice to know that I can go to a wiki and find the information I need very quickly and with relative ease, but I wonder if it’s true or false. Though, another nice thing about Wikipedia, is that it can translate the information into any language one is more fluent in or is learning to be fluent in. So overall, I feel that Wikipedia does have a lot of charm, but not as much as some may believe.

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Wikipedia and Social Networking

Let’s face it: we’ve all gone to Wikipedia to search for a subject of interest at some point in our lives. It’s easy to access from any computer with an Internet connection and people who are knowledgeable in certain topics are able to add what they know, thanks to Wikipedia being an encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

I’ll admit: I’ve looked up some things of interest on Wikipedia and while there’s certainly a lot of information to absorb (I’m beginning to miss the days when encyclopedias were just general and brief about the topics they covered), I have to remind myself to take all the information I absorb with a grain of salt, since anyone can change the entries in Wikipedia, even if the information seems valid.

In the old days, keeping in touch with friends and finding a job were limited to Classified Ads, whom you knew, phone calls, texts, letters, and/or e-mail.  Now, social networking has made it possible for people to communicate with each other and potential employers at a much quicker rate than before. But with many things, social networking has a double-edged nature: people who aren’t technology-savvy can reveal too much of themselves to employers and friends, making damage control very difficult to do.

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The Charms of Wiki and Social Networking

I found that text on the use of wiki to be quite charming. It is great that one could use wiki with such ease, and not have to worry about the constant web links to sources that Google brings. Also, Web 2.0, being used for interactions between two people shows how much the web has developed, in the sense that we have sites strictly from networking, and blogging and videos. According to “Social Media in Plain English”, with the creation of blogs, and the web, it’s easier for people with businesses or simply small ideas to get feedback from others on what they like about their ideas or product, and how it can grow.   In the social networking video, the narrator explains how social networking can be important and rather useful. Today, we have social networking sites such as Facebook, and Tumblr that are designed for one person to connect with others. In turn those connection made can alter your life for the better, in the case of getting a job, or a home which are both essential.

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The Politics of Research

When i think of the word knowledge, i think about we can do anything in life as long as we put our mind to it. With knowledge we can accomplish anything and do anything that we desire to do, the way technology is expanding all over the united states is very interesting to a lot of us. Because of knowledge we are able to make video games, computers, cell phones, etc. We can become Business leaders,Teaches, Entertainers, Construction workers, Mechanics, Engineers, Presidents, Researchers, the list goes on and on. But we can’t become all of this without having an education, without this we are nothing we wouldn’t become who we are today if we didn’t have our education to learn the things that are out here today or have the jobs that we have. I truly believe without it we are nothing, and when we have it no matter what the situation is we can and will always be successful no matter what we do. But we have to believe in ourselves that anything is possible once we use our knowledge the correct way to make a positive impact for our society, community and most importantly ourselves and for the next generation to come.

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charms of wikipedia

The charms about wikipedia, it is like the batman and riddler dual. In many cases the  batman is going to fall asleep, get tired, or give up entirely. Until the journey is saved by precise planning and strategic editing the … Continue reading

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The Charms of Wikipedia and The Social Media

When i first came across Wikipedia i wanted to look up my favorite wrestler The Rock, his real name of course is Dwayne Johnson. I found out so many interesting facts about him, one of them was where he was from, and second how he got into the wrestling business. While i was reading his autobiography through Wikipedia at the time i was shocked and full of surprises about what i was reading about him. From this day on i always use Wikipedia to look up my favorite actor, actresses, etc, to learn more about that person or anything else for what i would like to know about because i feel that it is a reliable source to find out information on things. Sometimes i ask myself also if it is true information as well because now these days anybody can post up things on the internet about anything, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be true.

In the social media video about behind social networking websites, you can see that networking is very important. I say this because now our days a lot of people are finding jobs by somebody that they know personally, having a good friend, or a family member who is putting in a good word for them to get that job that they want. And as we can see a lot of people are getting hired this way and some don’t, but the people that don’t get hired usually finds work their own way and they make it. Today we even have Facebook and Twitter, two very popular websites that are both very powerful in networking. Even businesses and companies have accounts on both of these websites to connect with people and are asking them to send there resumes. If you haven’t seen a friend since junior high school or high school and you recognize them on the internet by adding them as a friend on Facebook, or following them on twitter, you and that friend both have a connection where you are communicating and socializing on the internet. And of course others can see what you are saying to one another but not if you set your things to private, so no matter what we are doing networking will always be around us but we have to use it in a positive way and connect with it very wisely.


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