The charms of wikipedia

Wikipedia has been around for many years and it has been used immensely. This source gives us access to basically any information your looking for. But is it really a charm? How can we be so sure that the information given to us by wiki is the honest truth. You will never be sure to know that you are not receiving false information due to the fact that any one can feel free to post what ever they please whether it’s false or true. Wiki does help us in many ways but we honestly don’t know if It’s helping us the right way we need it to, with true information that will be helpful. So according to me it is not really considered a charm.

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One Response to The charms of wikipedia

  1. ragoo8111 says:

    Countless academic scholars have debunked articles on Wikipedia on numerous occasions it is not a resource to be trusted in academic research. It is however somewhere you can start your quest . If you do encounter garbage you also have the option to edit and correct it . That being said we have a useful resource we can tweek and correct. It is also freely accessible to everyone . I believe in years to come the constant editing will make it more reliable and academia will have no choice but to give accreditation as they see fitting.

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