The Politics of Research

When i think of the word knowledge, i think about we can do anything in life as long as we put our mind to it. With knowledge we can accomplish anything and do anything that we desire to do, the way technology is expanding all over the united states is very interesting to a lot of us. Because of knowledge we are able to make video games, computers, cell phones, etc. We can become Business leaders,Teaches, Entertainers, Construction workers, Mechanics, Engineers, Presidents, Researchers, the list goes on and on. But we can’t become all of this without having an education, without this we are nothing we wouldn’t become who we are today if we didn’t have our education to learn the things that are out here today or have the jobs that we have. I truly believe without it we are nothing, and when we have it no matter what the situation is we can and will always be successful no matter what we do. But we have to believe in ourselves that anything is possible once we use our knowledge the correct way to make a positive impact for our society, community and most importantly ourselves and for the next generation to come.

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