Blogging assignment for September 10

Today we learned about the development of downtown Brooklyn and the process and effects of urban renewal; refer to Prof. Montgomery’s Prezi if you’d like to review maps, images, or videos. In advance of our site visit on Thursday, September 10, please write one blog post of approximately 100 words in response to this prompt:

In advance of our visit to the Farragut Houses, what are your thoughts on the visit and the observation and documentation you’ll be doing?  What do you feel excited or nervous about? What do you imagine you’ll discover or learn about?

Please refer to the blogging guidelines if you have questions about blogging on the OpenLab. If you have not yet responded to Prof. Montgomery’s prompt about research experiences, please do so by leaving a comment on the post.

See you all tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the corner of Hudson Avenue & Plymouth Street in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn, a 15-20 minute walk from campus [map]. Don’t forget your sketchbook/notebook, felt tip pen, soft 2B pencil, and camera (phone will be fine). Dress for the weather; rain is possible.

~Prof. Leonard

4 thoughts on “Blogging assignment for September 10

  1. patricia palendeng

    this is the first time i heard about Farragut housing. since i never know what it looks like, i tried to google it earlier just to get an idea how it looks like before i really go visit the place tomorrow morning. When i saw the images, it similar with what i thought in my mind, how it looks like, such as the buildings, and some greens surrounding the buildings. i think this observation that we are going to do will be very interesting. The thing that i am curious about is more to the people who lives there. How they socialize to each other, and i might discover some information that can expand my knowledge about project housings in New York City. In addition, i a little bit scared about the drawing that we have to do tomorrow, but besides that, i cannot want to do it, and see the result of my first drawing.

  2. William

    On September 10 we will be going to the Farragut housing in Brooklyn. I have never heard about the Farragut houses neither have I seen them before. Mainly because I am not from Brooklyn and I don’t explore Brooklyn enough as much as I want to. The architectural design of the building looks intriguing yet simple. I am excited to observe these buildings and getting the opportunity to explore more of Brooklyn but I am nervous about my drawing/sketching abilities. I am not an artist and I do not usually draw often, I am intimidated about drawing the buildings onto a sketchbook. Drawing with a pencil seems more difficult to me than using a computer program to draw machine parts.

  3. mohmed awadalla

    I have not looked up any information about the Farragut housing so that when we arrive on the site tomorrow i can have a fresh intake of the area, this will also be my first time really looking at a building in an architectural way so i am going to try to notice the little details on it. I have only ever done light sketches of objects so i am looking forward to trying to sketch the building tomorrow while taking notes of anything that seems like a major detail.

  4. stephan j.charles

    i have never heard of Farragut Houses but i had viewed that site before because i walk the Manhattan bridge all the time to take pictures and enjoy the view of downtown Brooklyn and the world trade center in Manhattan. i think My first official visit to Farragut houses would be great experiment. My observation would be about the narrow streets, the tall buildings and the services out there. I want to check out the electricity grid because i have always admired it from far away on the bridge but i never really got close to see it. i am very exited about seeing the grid for the first time, and i am mostly nervous on what to expect about the services available like businesses ( corner stores,supermarkets). Because i have always asked why is the area always quiet and how does the residents survived if they do not have a car. It is a twenty minute walk to downtown for everything, but i am curious if there are any based business or services out there. i am so anxious to learn and discover everything that i am nervous about because i have always asked myself but i never had the time to go and research that. From the bridge it looks like every buildings down there is modernized and look pretty new.


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