Tag Archives: valuable

Badke Chapter 3

From beginning to end of chapter 3 in the book “Research Strategies by William Badke” I was in absolute awe as I kept reading. I have been searching databases for a very long time; I also knew that the use of “keywords” are very important when searching databases. But from reading this chapter it took it to a whole new level. Badke imparted so much information in this chapter that will be  very helpful to me especially as college student.

I do researches regurlarly  and never knew that I was actualy doing it incorrectly, especially when searching for  information pertaining to a specific research topic; In fact, most of the times I usually just google the information needed using a lot of keywords. It never occurred to me that keyword must be very specific and words such as AND, NOT and OR plays a huge part in getting much better and specific results when searching databases.

In this chapter I think Badke was extremely thorough  in divulging valuable, resourceful information that will help me and many other students.