Tag Archives: ownership

Copy write laws and a monkey’s selfie.

This story about the Macaque monkey really threw me of , my very first thought was, the photographer is English, the selfie was taken in Indonesia and yet there are law suits about United States Copy write laws. Or! Is it because Wikimedia is under U.S Jurisdiction? Either way this article is evidence that most things are dictated by individuals or well, gatekeepers in my opinion.
Additionally, it was very interesting to see how this article reports he claims the photo was a selfie by the Macaque monkey. Another article I read, where I quite support him, was one which claimed he had framed and set up that particular shot, prior to giving the macaque the remote shutter release.
I am also aware that they are only saying that he cannot copyright the picture, and therefore has no monopoly. He cannot prevent anybody from using the photos and cannot require those who do to compensate him. Maybe, if he had done some minor photoshop on this picture that could off worked; but then again no, because the copy write laws also states that photoshopping an image does not make it a completely new work eligible for copyright. I would also think that any image on my camera belongs to me if no other human was involved in it’s making. But, also then again who is to say since we are being kept behind the gates with some of those laws regarding self expressions and creativity.