Tag Archives: literary mash up

Plagiarism Addiction

I just finished reading “The Plagiarist Tale” the story was pretty crazy. Rowan spent decades getting away with plagiarism, what really struck me was that he was stealing from over 15-20+ pieces of work. I can’t believe he was getting away with this for so long. This article got me upset because he made a whole career & good living through plagiarism while there’s students like me or aspiring writers who put their all into into writing a piece. Whether it’s to get a good grade or in hopes of attaining a valuable career we put in the effort, whereas Rowan just pieced together the efforts of dozens & dozens of authors. Now as unethical as his actions were I have to give Rowan credit where credit is deserved. He has a a great mind, its no easy task to take hundreds of different passages/sentences throughout different periods of time and being able to seamlessly integrate them into one story, a “literary mash up” as the article says. Being able to do this is a talent within itself, its unfortunate he had to use this talent for bad. I believe if he had a conscious back then he’d be able to find a way to use this talent for something beneficial other than stealing people’s work.