Tag Archives: Fieldtrip

BRIC Brooklyn

The map that I found most interesting during the class visit to BRIC, was the map of Luis from Puerto Rico kitchen. It was interesting because I have never seen a map that laid out the life of an individual, the map give great details of Luis’s life. It gave a description of him, his thoughts were also included ; it also give details of the specific area where he lived, whom he live with, when he moved there, the history of his neighborhood and it accounted for every item that was in his kitchen. The map told a story, and thats what made it interesting to me.
The exhibit definitely changed my perception of maps; I have never thought of using a map to represent anything else other that getting directions to a specific place or maybe finding a treasure.
Since I am aware that maps can tell a story. I would love to map out my work space and tell my story; I think it will be very interesting for my friends and followers to see my life as a jewelry stylist and designer just by reading a map.