Tag Archives: access

Plagiarism wrap-up from today, and reading/blogging for Wednesday, March 4

Today we discussed plagiarism in various contexts, especially in what constitutes plagiarism and academic integrity infractions in higher education. We also discussed the research topic proposal, due 3/23. A pdf of today’s slides is available here. Please get in touch if you want to discuss your ideas for the research paper topic.

On Wednesday, March 4 we will discuss information access: personal access, institutional access, and implications of the so-called digital divide.  Since the FCC recently ruled on Net Neutrality, we’ll review the effects of this ruling on our current and future internet access.
Please read the following: Martin, B. The Politics of Research
Samuelson, Aaron Swartz: Opening Access to Knowledge
Ruiz and Lohr, FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules

Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post.

~Prof. Leonard